Saturday, December 1, 2007

Off work today!

Hi everyone:

I am off work today!  Yahoo!  I worked 65 hours this week, and it was pretty grueling at the hospital.  I had a gentleman yesterday with a huge MI, and his two sons were doctors.  Pretty tense times in the CCU!  I hope he recovers OK...he is super critical and unstable at this time.  I called several times back to the hospital to check on him, in my insomnia moments...

I wanted to share some pictures of some work completed.  I love new techniques (at least new to me), and the little Sunbonett Sue is colored!!  Not fabric!!  and hand quilted.  Such fun to do.  The other little much wrinkled quilt is hand applique of the Columbine flower, the state flower of Colorado, where I was born. There is some Indian Paintbrush as well. Of course, it needs to be quilted and bound. These are my favorite flowers, and I was so tickled to find the pattern in the quilt shop in Durango, Animas Quilts.  That is a fun shop if you ever get to go!!  and is on the main drag through town.

I have been enjoying all of your blogs, it sure is fun it cuts into my quilting time!  or was that housekeeping time? Judy L has a new pink quilt I am dying to make, and Bonnie at Quiltville is making a mystery quilt.  How can a girl resist?  :) Is anyone else doing Bonnie's mystery quilt? and in what colors??

 I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday and upcoming week!! 



dot said...

Lovely quilts. I really like the colombine one. Indian paint brush is one of my favorites. Enjoy your day.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Julie, I just love the Sunbonnet Sue quilt. I a SBS fan from way back.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...
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Marilyn Robertson said...

Your sunbonnet sue quilt is adorable! As to Bonnie's mystery quilt.....I am tempted, but so far I have resisted the temptation!

Norma said...

I love columbines! They definately make me thing of where I grew up also. That piece is wonderful and Sue is sweet!

I will have to look for the quilt shop next time we are on our way to the Mts.

Linda C said...

Lovely quilts, Julie and like Susan, I would be drawn to the Sunbonnet Sue as I love 30's prints.

Is there still an Animas Shop in Durango? I think the original owner Jackie Robinson is in MT now but maybe does more pattern publishing and teaching these days? I have been to Durango years ago as a teen but have a little canvas tote that held fat quarters from a secret pal hanging off a hook on my peg board above the cutting/pressing table. Probably has shown up in some pics along the way.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...