Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas is coming!!

Hi all:

Hope you are having a busy, fun time gettng ready for Christmas. I sure am!

I have been working the last 4 days, and today, my day off,is the last push to get ready for the big birthday celebration (Christmas). So I have lots to do, nothing new about that, everyone does at this time of year.

I have bad news, too... I was in a horrendous automobile accident on the 13th and my vehicle was totalled. The person who ran into me did not have insurance, did not have a driver's license or any ID, non-English speaking,and tried to leave the scene, but his vehicle was too banged up to go very far...so my car is a total loss!

But, I am alive!! Banged up and sore all over, but at least I am here and kickin'!! Ok, this is my "public service" message for everyone: Wear those seat belts!! Mine save my life for sure. I am sure I would be "roadkill" if I had not had mine fastened. So you do it too!!

On the quilting front, I have been working on Bonnies' mystery..and am about to run out of background fabrics!! Isn't that a nice way to stash bust?? I love it! and can't wait to see the finished product. I am enjoying the journey so much.

This is a picture of my drunkard's pathway quilt. I actually got to liking the curved piecing! The anticipation is much worse than the actually doing of it, it got to be pretty easy. It is hand-quilted, hand stippled in the borders. Fun!!

Hope everyone is having a blessed, warm holiday time.

Have a wonderful day all!!



Katie said...

Really love that drunkard's path. Oh, so sorry to hear about auto accident. Did you have air bags too? They really help too. Some cars have the bags in the side too. Wish they all did. Hope you feel better every day and find a car to replace the totaled one. Always such a hassle. Happy Holidays from here.

Nurse Nancy said...

Wow, so glad to hear you are okay!! Hope you recover quickly. Been there, done that, and know the soreness that follows. Take care of yourself!

The quilt is beautiful! I stay away from the curves myself. lol

Merry Christmas!!
Nurse Nancy

Nines said...

OUCH!! So sorry aboutthe accident. It was a drunk driver was it. get it? Drunkard's path... oh well, I love the very traditional look of it. I am sorry that you are having to unsew your borders- but you will be ever so much happier for it! And our longarmer will, too! She may even remain a true friend! Happy holidays and take a good long soak- just the thing for achy limbs!

Kim said...

I've thought about making a drunkard's path quilt as long as I've been quilting but haven't yet! Good for you! It looks great! I did enjoy the curved piecing when I took my beginning quilting class WAAAAAAY back when, so it doesn't scare me--it's just that I seem to forget I want to make one when I don't have it in front of me! ROFLOL! Maybe I should stick a photo on my bulletin board.

Pam said...

My goodness - good you are okay!!

Just what you need a week before Christmas :((

You've done a lovely job on the hand quilting -- hand stippled!! I've never done that - how great!

Ali Honey said...

Wow that sounds scary and will be a big inconvenience. Very glad you were not hurt seriously. I also wondered about the drunkards path....had the other driver been following it??

Season's Greetings from down here in NZ.

KC Quilter said...

Oh, Julie, so glad to hear you are okay! How awful--glad they were able to catch the guy. Car wrecks can be so upsetting.

Love, love, love the Drunkards Path and what a fantastic job you are doing!!!

Carolyn said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your accident and I hope that you recover quickly! It's scary out there on the roads.

The drunkard's path is beautiful. It's one of my favorites...I made one back when I didn't know any better about curves and I love it. I probably wouldn't be brave enough to try one now! :o)

Merry Christmas!

Rose Marie said...

Lovely quilt and the border quilting sure looks complicated! Glad to hear you are OK and I always wear my seatbeat!

Linda C said...

Oh my, Julie. Thank heavens you got out of the accident okay--they can replace the car but not you... it only takes a second so put it on!

You have been a busy gal if you are finding time to piece not only your mystery quilt sections (I can't image doing 100 of anything--let alone two sections!) and your log cabin. The red SOOOO makes the quilt--are you going to put the applique back on it as you did with the brown?

And look how cool that drunkard's path is--love two color quilts anyway but hand quilted as well? WTG, girl!

Jenni said...

Bad timing with the accident - glad you are OK.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh Julie! I"m so glad your ok! What a terrible scare right before Christmas, but it sure does give you something extra to be thankful for! I love your drunkard's path quilt!

Chookyblue...... said...

great quilt sorry I am behind in blog reading but hope you are okay now from your accident.....

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...