Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's December 4th...

Hi all:

I have three days off in a row...so TADA! I am finishing some things up! I have had this log cabin quilt top cut out for five years. It is about 56" by 64 ", so with borders, it will be a nice cuddle quilt size. Now was the time to giterdun!! I just need to add borders, and I haven't decided yet...opinions please??

I received my cutest Santa in the mail from Finn!! I still need to finish him up and decorate him a little...but isn't he the cutest? Thank you so much Finn!!

And the funnest (never mind my use of the English language) thing is...I am doing Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville mystery quilt!! and I made a delightful mess yesterday cutting strips and then cutting segments. I think I ended up with a lot more of these 3.5 inch segments than Bonnie said to make. Maybe I will make a little quilt with them!!! It is just the right time to join and do this mystery quilt if you want to, we just started.

Now, I just have to vacuum and dust and clean the mirrors, and... finish decorating the house....But I sure had fun yesterday!!

Our little Rusty poodle wandered in to one of the pictures. He is getting very old, and just wants to be held and loved all the time, so we accommodate that. He sure is a great sweetheart of a companion. He weighs about 11 pounds, so is pretty tiny.

Hope you all have a wonderful day and everything goes just the way you like it.



Anonymous said...

Three days, how wonderful for you. Love your log cabin quilt. As for the border, I don't think I'd be much help as I like plain borders, 1 I'm lazy and 2 by that stage I just want it done. Will have to check out the mystery.

Angie said...

What a cute 'fella' you received from Finn! And your decorations look lovely! :> I seem to be going 'back' to the 'no border' phase. I think if I do one, I won't put borders on it. :)

Susan said...

Okay, I am hooked. I must do this mystery. My mystery is which fabric will I choose.

Thanks for stopping by to say hello.

If you ever want to knit socks, let me know and I will give you some sources of online instructions.

Finn said...

Hi Julie..wow...3 days off! Wonderful! Love the log cabin...I think a narrow dark(about 1" finished) and then a nice medium, oh about 4.5"???
Glad your little santa arrive so promply..he looks just adorable!! Hope you make more! And what fun! I am doing Bonnie's mystery also..in christmas colors...LOL
I've been making a huge mess with red centers and scrappy green outers...don't quite have my 100 yet.
Keep having fun! Hugs for Rusty and you, Finn

keryn said...

I'm with Finn on the borders, small dark, then maybe an autumn tones wider strip.

I think I may just have to do the mystery along with all you others. It's not like I don't already have the strips cut......

KC Quilter said...

Oh, Julie, I love the log cabin quilt just as it is now!!! But I can understand your wanting to make it a little larger. I, too, would choose a darker, non-competing border. It is just beautiful.

ForestJane said...

WTG on your rail fence blocks... I can't wait for the next installment, can you?

And how lucky to get the santa from Finn. :)

Jeanne said...

Your rails look great! I think this will be so much fun. Very cute Santa from Finn. Love your log cabin, too.

Laurie Ann said...

Hi there! Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I love your log cabin quilt and Rusty is absolutely adorable. I had a chocolate poodle named Snickers for 16 years. She was great.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh he is a sweet santa! Finn sent me the instructions so I can't wait to try and make one! I love your log cabin quilt!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...