Friday, November 9, 2007

too many little quilts!!!!

Hi all:

I went through every little quilt I had tucked away in my mom's trunk. THIS IS WHY I SHOULD NOT MAKE ANY MORE SMALL WALL QUILTS!!!!!!!!!! So I am concentrating my efforts on my larger quilts, bed size....except what I just need to finish up.

But it sure was fun making all those little babies. This does not count the scores I have given away to friends and donated to American Heart Association....




Anonymous said...

Qite a pile you have there Julie, but I'm sure you must have had fun going through them all.

Tonya Ricucci said...

Can you put all the little quilts up on one wall in your house? Bet they'd look great displayed together.

Nicole said...

When I started quilting, I made lots of wall quilts because it was such a great way to experiment with techniques and color and so on. Plus, you had a finished project in no time. After a while though, I made the decision to concentrate on bed sized quilts and I have not looked back!

Elaine Adair said...

My gosh, I just wrote you a bunch of info, without checking out carefully your current post. You already have a LOT of links on your page. That's what I get for hurrying all the time.

That pile of little quilts is awesome. I don't have little quilts, I have huge ones, and they are driving me out of my house! LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is some amount of wall quilts. I hope to have a wall full of little quilt some day. You really should display a bunch of them together!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Glad to have found you!!

Silverthimble said...

What a collection! I love those little pink heart quilts in the first picture!

Hedgehog said...

The little ones are so addictive - I just started doing them this summer and really, really need to stop for a bit to get back to a few of the larger projects!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...