Sunday, June 5, 2022


Hurrah!  I am on the home stretch of these blocks.  I started out with a pink, instead of blue, but there was not enough contrast to suit me.  So, I started over with blue!  

There are so many ways to arrange these blocks!  Lots of fun to be had, arranging and sewing these blocks.  I used the Creative Grids ruler square in a square, loaned to me from my friend Annie.  

I am playing with an applique border on this mini quilt...just silly stuff, making it different.

I was gifted four quilt tops, for patients!  A lady in the gift shop at the hospital received them from another lady whose mom is cleaning out her home.  

 I plan to donate two of them, and finish two for my patients.  Hurrah for that, too!!!!!!!!!!!

************************CIRCLE OF FRIENDS!!!!!!!!****************************

What do you think of this?  I sent out a box...the first CIRCLE OF FRIENDS box!  If anyone needs something specific for a current project...please comment in the comments below.  Please put your email address in the comment, so people can contact you and arrange for what you need, shipping, etc.  I was going to publish email addresses on the blog, but I would rather you do that in the comments, if you need something.  I will try and send things when I have them, but if I don't have something, others will see your need and try to fill it.  

We can all share our stashes and help each a CIRCLE OF FRIENDS!!!!!

Everyone has something different...I am a scrapper, so that is what I have, mostly.




Chookyblue...... said...

you projects are looking good........goodluck also finishing those other quilts and great to pass them onto patients........good they didn't get thrown out.......

sue s said...

good idea for the Circle! I don't need anything right now, but I'll remember to check in. So glad you can re-home these quilts.

Rose Marie said...

You have quite the variety of projects on the go ..... all wonderful. How great that you can pass on completed quilts!

Kyle said...

Love your snail trail blocks. The blue makes a good contrast. Not a design for the faint of heart. Glad you received the 4 quilts. Someone knew the right person to get them!!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I love the Circle of Friends idea. Quilters are always the kindest and most generous friends. Those donated quilt tops are great; I'm sure their maker would be happy that they've ended up being loved and passed along to those who will cherish their beauty and comfort.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Quilting brings together more than just 3 layers of fabric.

Quilter Kathy said...

What wonderful quilt tops you were given!
I hope when my house is cleaned out that my UFOs go to someone as talented as you to finish them up!

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Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...