Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A circle of friends!

Good morning!!!  I have almost finished my mini for last month.  I just lack hand sewing the binding down, which I love to do.  Hurrah!  I added hearts in the red pieces of the borders, as the big red splotches were just too much.  I also added embroidery to the hearts, for some texture and interest.

Speaking of mini quilt, here is mine for this month!  Or next month?  Anyway, the wagon wheel centers yielded some off cut circles...thus, this little circle quilt was born.  

I did get three more wagon wheels appliqued.  Very scrappy; nothing goes together, which is just fine.

I made a little rug for Memorial Day and the fourth of July, coming up.  I have made this particular quilt in the past...just a little thing.  

And a tomato!  First of the season.   It is a tiny thing but is a welcoming of summertime.

*************************An idea****************************

What if you needed, say, 2-inch purple strips for a project you were working on, but did not have many purples?  (Just an example).  Or what if you needed plaid brown fabrics?  Etc... you get what I mean.  Would it be possible for us to share our fabrics with each other? A quilting circle of friendship!  A sharing of resources.  A lot of quilters have a LOT of fabric.  Wouldn't it be fun to share with each other, rather than go and try to buy something?  Just thinking of using things up, here.  A circle of quilting friends!  

If I do not have it, I could post it on the blog, and share your email so that people could help you...I bet we could widen and enjoy our circle of friends, and also share our resources, and use them up!  It would be great to share, instead of dying with a huge fabric stash some day, which gets sold in an estate sale, LOL!

So...tell me...what do you need?  Is there anything specific for a project that we could help you with?  

Just thinking here...do you think it would work?

Also, I am having the hardest time getting comments to go to my email consistently.  From now on, I am going to answer in the comment below your comment, if it does not go to my email.  That way, you know I am paying attention, and very much appreciate the comradery and fun of comments!!!



Rebecca said...

You Have a Tomato ALLREADY!!
My plants are not even in the ground yet...
Hope to do that today

Cathy said...

Great mini. I just love the taste of fresh home grown tomatoes. Hugs

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Love both of those minis, but oh the circles really speak to me! Delicious! And, I love your idea of widening our circle of friends. I have more fabric than any one person should admit to and I am willing to share whatever I have with anyone who needs or simply wants it. Just once I posted that I was having trouble finding the turn of the century prints that I call "neon" (block with bright colors) and within a week I had enough to finish that project. Quilters are great!!

Julierose said...

I would love to share my (too big by far) stash of fabrics! I don't really "need" anything for my current projects, but low on Blacks with White and pinks...I am a really slow stitcher
especially these days...
Great minis you've made and planned out. A tomato already!! I am envious...no gardening for me now, so I am just having a couple containers to feed my "dirt" desires hahaha
Hugs, Julierose

julieQ said...

Rebecca!! Can you believe that? A tomato already! Me neither...LOL! I got started early with inside plants.

julieQ said...

HI Cathy!! Thank you...I love to use tomatoes in cooking. Not so much fresh, so I wish you were here and I would give you some!

julieQ said...

HI Wendy! I think it will be fun to test our process. We can share...it will be fun!!

julieQ said...

Julierose, may I sent you some pinks? Does someone have blacks and whites for Julierose? I love a container garden!

Janet O. said...

I love those tiny churn dash blocks, Julie!
And all of the circles are fun--I love seeing creations by others that I know I would never have the patience to make myself.
A great little patriotic finish. Anything you can put together in r/w/b is always a bonus!
Quilters have come to my rescue so many times when I have needed a specific fabric--I am happy to do the same for others!
There is nothing I need specifically right now, but I am happy to help others. I am really trying to work from stash as much as possible.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Fun projects! I’m trying to work strictly from stash. Several generous quilters have sent me fabric for QOV for which I am extremely grateful.


love all your quilts--and how fun to have a 'tomato' coming along so soon--
nearly 3years ago I had no stash from moving and not being able to ship but a couple boxes--I have slowly added to my stash since and am doing ok-my biggest problem is 'pink' every time I order what I think and the company says is pink--it is in the pink family--but not the shade of pink I want-I want more of a true pink--like a baby pink color--!!!
and I also have the same problem with comments--I can either get them in my email and they don't show up on my blog--or get them on the blog and they don't come to my email--Why??? What can't blogger leave things alone!!!
have an awesome week--hugs, di

julieQ said...

HI Janet! I do red, white and blue in combination...such fun! I have lots of scraps, mostly what I have. Just thought all of us could help each other!

julieQ said...

It is great fun to get donation quilt for quilts of valor!

julieQ said...

Di, I will look and send you pinks! thank you for telling us what you need! Others...Di needs pinks!

Julierose said...

Louise, you can email me at "pyanorose@gmail.com" thanks...

Julierose said...

I have found JulieQ that if I leave the first comment on my own blog, people can comment. Give it a try...

Cherie in St Louis said...

I would love to share what is needed in a circle of quilting friends :). What a fun idea!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Deb said...

I'd also love to share fabrics with the circle of friends. Will you be posting requests on your blog?

julieQ said...

Yes, Deb, that would be my vision...post requests so whomever can help will see the request, and I will share emails with the permission of the requestor.

mangozz said...

Sharing fabrics is a great idea! What size pieces would need to be sent? Are people going to request what amount they need? It's funny that a couple of people requested pinks as I could use some myself to move forward on a pink and white Ocean Waves quilt I was working on. I don't want to keep repeating the same prints too many times.

Nancy said...

Julie, I'm particularly partial to the little quilt with circles. The colors you chose to use together are just right. And those tiny churn dash blocks--too cute. I also really like your wagon wheel blocks.
I don't have a huge stash as I know some others do but I'd be happy to share if I have a fabric that can help someone.

Cathy44647 said...

I’d love to share some of my stash! I really don’t want to get into a bunch of postage but I’d be willing to do a small envelop. You gals could contact me at cathykilliany at gmail dot com. Iffin you’re close to Sugarcreek let me know! What a great idea Julie! Especially if you’re doing a scrappy quilt and want more variety.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love your minis!!
The Little churn dash - oh it sings to me!
But know that you saved the center of the circles.... I think we are soul sisters haha

Tazzie said...

Ohhh Julie, your mini quilts are just lovely, thank you so much for sharing!

Quilter Kathy said...

Adorable minis... love the tiny churn dash!
Unfortunately postage costs make mailing anything prohibitive in Canada - you could buy new fat quarters for the cost of trying to send scraps.

Lori said...

You are so creative!

Deb D said...

Hello circle of friends! I need orange or orange/white or mostly orange scraps for a scrappy string quilt. At least 1.25 " wide, any length. Just a scrap or two in an envelope for the price of one stamp would be so appreciated!

Lynn Dykstra said...

There is much to be said about sharing something physical--something we have touched, and have chosen for our own work.
Thank you for starting this! I am happy to participate.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...