Monday, May 16, 2022

An old, old UFO...and binding!

Good morning!!  I have been kind of casting about, trying to figure out what to work on, which is a product of having too many irons in the fire.  I pulled out this old, old UFO...I think it is called Wagon Wheel.  It is basically a pinwheel block, framed with muslin, and then a circle appliqued on top.  I made a lot, lot of progress on it, in the middle of the night...a quiet time, where I can concentrate and enjoy the process.  What a mess, don't you think? LOL!  I am so glad I saved all the pieces and parts and sashing, etc, all in the same place.  I am enjoying the fact that I have improved on my pinwheel making...not one of these has a point that meets in the middle!  That is OK...we all start somewhere.  Also, it is interesting to figure out why I got stuck and this became a UFO.  For one thing, the applique slowed me down.  For another thing, I am missing a block!  Maybe that is what made this become a UFO! Maybe a squirrelly new project took my attention and ran with it! If you think about it, what is the thing that makes you stop work on a project?

 I am binding this quilt, the mystery quilt from last year.  I am going with a single fold binding on this one...please tell me your opinion of this, versus a double fold binding?

Happy Monday!



Chookyblue...... said...

Why do I stop...... Time, new ideas for new project, getting stuck at a spot, making a mistake, feeling overwhelmed...... I'm pulling then out to get some projects finished......

Chookyblue...... said...

Love the look of the wagon wheels.....

Julierose said...

Wagon Wheels is really pretty!! I like a double fold binding myself--it always just seems sturdier for a lap or bed quilt...I am still beavering away on mini charms..then the 5" charms will be next...what was I thinking amassing all these??
hugs, Julierose

Robin said...

Sometimes I stop because there's a decision that needs to be made and while I'm thinking about it, I go on to something else. But, usually I get interrupted by life and when I can sew again - that isn't the project I want to work on. I always use single fold binding, it's not as bulky. The wagon wheels look great. Was that from a Fig Tree pattern?

ButterZ said...

I stop because I love starting new projects. I always use a double binding. I find them stronger and easy to work with.

Janet O. said...

I stop when I get tired of a project, or get frustrated with something that didn't work out the way it should. Or maybe I made a boo-boo and am too impatient to correct it. Or something new really calls to me. So many reasons. I am easily distracted!
I do like those wagon wheels, and that is a clever construction method.
My preference is double-fold binding for anything that will be keeping a body warm, and single-fold for anything that will hang on a wall, or sit on a tabletop.

cityquilter grace said...

i put single binding on most of my small projects that won't get the hard everyday use and also on some of the larger ones too....

sue s said...

I have a pattern I've put away twice now, and "maybe" will pull out again later this year. It was a QAL with many designers and there were so many errors that I just gave up. Then when over a year later I pulled it out again I just scrapped some of the blocks and made alternates, which made me really like it again. But by then I was exhausted with it and put it away again. I always use double binding, but not as wide on wallhangings etc.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

You will enjoy finishing that UFO!!!!

Anonymous said...

I stop at the point I start thinking "Why did I start this!" usually it's a block or two that I can't get right, triangles don't play nicely, or fabrics don't look as good as they did in my imagination. I also go with whatever regarding binding, sometimes one, sometimes double, never had any problem with wearing on either. The quilts aren't trailing around the floor like a toddler, nor being treated roughly, washed plenty and all are fine. Love your blog Julie, I'm no longer working - correction - I'm no longer being paid to work, often loving nightime sewing and knitting etc, the peace is wonderful. Hope you enjoy the wagon wheel once it's done. Elaine UK

Anonymous said...

What a great tip for making those blocks! I just might make some now! Glad you are making progress on finishing up UFOs! I got one out yesterday to see if it will inspire me to get back to sewing again. I sure hope so.

Quilter Kathy said...

Usually I get distracted on another new project, or I made a huge mistake and got discouraged.
Generally I use a double fold binding on bed quilts to hold up better to wear. I use a single fold on placemats and smaller items so they lay flatter.
This is a fun UFO to tackle!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'm probably ADHD, so I get sidetracked by 'squirrels' all the time. If a project gets boring, then a squirrel comes by and... I like double fold binding since it has another layer before the binding is totally gone. Seems I've been having to re-bind lots of antique quilts lately, since the binding wears out.

Hanne said...

Beautiful quilts, both of them :-)
Why I start more before finishing the old projects.... I get sidetracked, or bored, or maybe I hit a bump in the road that makes me think I can sort that out another day.
I am working on finishing more than what I start these days :-)

Lori said...

The wagon wheel project is sure cute! Points in quilting are over rated! lol

Depending on the use for a quilt determines if I use a single or double fold binding.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...