Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Cross stitching??

I caught Rosie in a nap!!  She is my darling girl!

I was folding quilts and came across this plaid bear paw.  Hand quilted, as I did everything back then.  

Plaids are so much fun!

My goodness, it has been a long time since I cross stitched!! I found a free pattern on Pinterest and stitched it yesterday.  It is so much fun...but I want to make quilts, instead of this.  Anyone out there REALLY into cross stitch?

 And two more scrappy blocks!!  Fun and fast, especially if I have them cut out ahead of time.

What are you working on??



Tired Teacher 2 said...

I did a LOT of cross stitch in the 90s, but my eyes aren’t up to it anymore. Plus, framing is so dang expensive that it’s just not feasible.

Mindy said...

I also cross-stitched "back in the day" and have gotten the bug again. I can't believe how much it's changed!!! Linen and even weave fabric --- overdied floss, silk floss. Holy moly! And then the people who keep count of their stitches and what percentage they are in completing an "overall" cross stitch pattern. The new acronyms -- WIP, FFO, WIPCO.......SHEESH! I do enjoy cross stitching at night --- although, I think I could see better if I stitched during brighter hours. I've already purchased magnifiers for over my glasses! As with anything and everything that I "get into", I've already acquired more patterns than a person can complete in their lifetime. I've more fabric and tools and gadgets, books, patterns, than I'll EVER use for quilting. And, as if those two hobbies weren't enough, I also paint, both acrylic and watercolor, and have recently re-acquired tools, i.e., bandsaw, miter saw, sanders, drill press, to be able to cut out my own things from pine. Good thing I'm retired, but there still doesn't seem to be enough time in the day! ~Mindy

Angie S. said...

I started cross stitching 2en my husband was in college and enjoyed it till I found quilting in 2001. I must be a monogamous hobbyist because I dropped cross stitching and quilted for 20 years and then last year found cross stitching again and have dropped quilting. I still enjoy looking at quilts, but can't imagine wanting to quilt instead of stitch. I have a lot of UFO quilts that need some attention, but I can't make myself give up any minutes from cross stitching to finish them off.

Vivian B. said...

I never cross stitched back in the day and swore I never would Then last year a lot of the quilters I follow started doing it on the regular and, well, you see stuff and get interested, Lol!! The Fat Quarter Shop now has a whole cross stitch section on their website and Kimberly Jolly does weekly Floss stitch videos on You Tube. I have one little finished piece awaiting framing, another in progress and a few more kitted up or patterns waiting for thread. Like I need another hobby!


I have seen/read where several bloggers have gotten back into cross stitching--
Me I have been cross stitching again steadily for the last 6 years--I do some cross stitching after breakfast most mornings for about an hour--rest of the day is for fabric/quilting--with a little time each day for knitting!! Now if I could just find time to take a walk every single day and read-------?????
hugs, di

Anonymous said...

A very long time ago I was into cross stitching. Then quilting took over and the stitching was put aside. Then Jo Kramer, if Jo's Country Junction blog, started cross stitching to go along with her quilting. I was hooked, only as far as buying a couple of patterns and some floss. I haven't stopped working on quilts long enough to start a cross stitch project. But when I do stop quilting, I have some cross stitch projects to work on. Thanks for sharing.

liz said...

Watch Flosstube people there are really into cross stitch
Lori Holt has a channel there her work is beautiful
what's funny about her is she never does the "suggested" colors
(being a quilter she has her own ideas: )
I'm just a beginner (cross stitcher) I decided I would do one project at a time have
no stash and either finish or toss it
I'm a quilter so I don't need another obsession
But the cross stitch people are doing are gorgeous !
so tempting....

Ruth said...

Judy at patchworktimes.com has begun cross stitching, and boy, does she leap in to new hobbies with both feet and one arm. She quilted previously, but now she has bought several cross stitching frames, more and more patterns, better magnifier glasses and lamps, lots of different floss, the list goes on and on. Plus she actually stitches, watches flosstubes, etc.

gladiquilts said...

I was an avid cross stitcher for 5 years until I made my first quilt. From that time on I have been passionate about quilting and have never considered going back. I design most of my own quilts and find the creativity of making quilts much more rewarding than stitching someone else’s Cross stitch design. Hand appliqué, hand quilting, and hand embellishing provide amply rewarding and relaxing hand work. While cleaning out a lot of “stuff” recently, I came across a whole box of cross stitch stuff I had saved “just in case” and wasn’t even remotely tempted!😊

Janet O. said...

Dear Rosie needs her rest. How nice that she can do it on a beautiful quilt.
Love, love, love the plaid Bear Paw. You do such wonderful things with plaids.
Oh, yes, I was immersed in cross-stitch for many years early in my marriage. I had boxes of patterns and cross-stitch magazines, and every floss color that DMC made at the time. I kept all the floss (it comes in handy for other things), and 2 patterns, and gave everything else away. I tell myself I will make those patterns someday--who am I kidding? ;)

Sharon said...

I did a lot of X stitch until I started quilting. Then I saw a FlossTube and went down the rabbit hole of reproduction samplers from the 17/1800's Wow, has the craft evolved. The linens are gorgeous, hand dyed flosses and silks, patterns from days gone by. So yes, I slid down the hole and purchased a pattern and the goodies to make it. Then I booked an eye exam because I couldn't see the dang linen! I'm waiting on new glasses, but I'm confident I will also be purchasing a lamp/magnifying glass. Still quilting, but I'll do a few nights a week of x stitch now.

Kristy said...

I have gone back into cross stitching too since the great lockdown of 2019. I am loving trying new things like linen and hand dyed floss. It is a lot of concentration for that linen but it looks so nice! I also am enjoying stitching along with the Fat Quarter Shop's stitch alongs like Barn Sweet Barn and Flea Market Baskets. I still sew too and blanket stitching will be commencing soon as I have just finished Lori Holt's Chickens! Yay! I picked colors for the first 3 chickens last night. It is fun to go back to something I did a lot of in the late 1980's and see how much the patterns have changed. So many choices and styles. Stick with small stuff Julie, it is fun! Love your quilts by the way. K- lkw2x6-apq@yahoo.com

Binsa said...

I did cross stitch years ago.currently trying to fmq the quilts for the special care nursery slow progress

Cherie in St Louis said...

I’d rather quilt ;-). I have cross stitched on and off and have one going now but would much rather sew, weeeeeee!!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I take small cross stitch things (that someone else cross stitched, not me) and turn them in to mug mats and small quilts.

Chookyblue...... said...

ive been on a binding marathon.........just finished my 9th quilt since easter......
Love the bears paw quilt.....you are so good to hand quilt etc........

Quilting Cathy said...

Love your blog, I use cross stitch to make my quilt labels.
Cathy W

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I have 9 waiting in the wings but quilter got sick with the Vaccine! TWICE - forced to take it by the VA even with 2 doctor letters, but I am patiently waiting because of the costs of hearing aids and now dental work. (Ugh)

Like your quilts, and I have recently picked up cross stitch. I love the patterns that Fat Quarter Shop puts out! Now to just turn back the clock and be 50! I could get all the fabric and the other hobbies finished! LOL

Take care - send me a note on who you sent your quilts to for quilting. Hugs

Quilter Kathy said...

There are a few passionate cross stitchers on the Slow Sunday Stitching link up. I used to enjoy cross stitch, but once I found quilting, I was totally smitten with it!
Your plaid bear paw is a beautiful quilt!

Lori said...

I tried to cross stitch a few years ago, but my eyes are not up to it!
How is Rosie doing?

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...