Thursday, August 30, 2018

Dearest Boy update...the latest block.

 Dearest Boy!  I love these unique and fun!    I am learning so much about applique with this quilt!!  Loving each stitch...but I was not sure how to do the stems on this block.  I ended up tucking in those ends in the corners and stitching as well as I could, but I wonder if I should have partially unsew the block and tucked the stem ends in?  Maybe one of these wonderful quilters would know!!

Cathy:  Big Lake Quilter

All of these quilters are busy making blocks for this quilt!!  I can't wait to see how they are finishing their stems!!

Here is where to find the pattern:

A little more log cabin fun happening at my house...cutting more pieces!!!  Thank goodness for rotary cutters.  Can you imagine cutting all those long skinny pieces for a log cabin quilt with scissors, or dress making shears?  We are so lucky these days!
Helen is up to 50 COMPLETED blocks!!  You go, girl!!!

Have an amazing day, each of you!!


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Log Cabin Loonies!!

Log Cabin Star Wallhanging Quilt Kit | Shopping - The Best Deals on Quilting Kits

This gorgeous little quilt, a log cabin (with red centers!!) was found by me, on Pinterest.  When I drilled down to find who made it, I found that this one is a kit, sold on  Anyway...if this is your is the cutest thing ever!!!  Just another example of how versatile the log cabin block is.

OK...So I wish I were this organized!  I made this kit probably ten years ago, and even made a sample block so I could figure it out again in the future, LOL!!!  All reproductions, which tells me this was before the scraps and plaids took over my quilting life.  I think the reason 1800's reproductions were so much a part of my life, is that we had a quilt shop near us...and it was almost every bolt, reproduction fabrics.  I love them...but I love all fabrics, so no surprise there!

 So...this is how it REALLY is, now, LOL!!!  All these are one inch strips, saved from projects and put into a little bin. didn't know there was a bin under there, did you, LOL!! Overflowing!  But not for long... I am glad to have saved these thin little strings, because this is what I am making my Teeny log cabin blocks out of!!  I would like to use all of these up!!  I have used a lot up already.
 Here is this week's gift, for a lucky Log Cabin Loonie, who links up below.  It is bundle of those reproduction fabrics...just right for fall time, which is right around the corner!!
 It says a baker's dozen of fabrics...light and darks.  So link up below, and show off your log cabin blocks, or strips!  I have really enjoyed seeing folks using their strips and strings up, making some log cabin blocks, on various is just great fun to see all the creativity!

Thank you so those who have e-mailed in their block pictures...Helen, and Cathy, and Dortha!!  They are so very pretty!!

Helen was randomly selected as the winner for last weeks giveaway of the applique kits, so I will be mailing it out today.  Mail is sometimes hard, because of gets in the way of my fun!!

 I made this block for Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt.  I am making slow progress on this quilt...the blocks are sort of wonky...which is funny, because most of my blocks are wonky anyway, LOL!!
Just some little different baskets I was musing about using instead.  Hmmmm…

Link up below!  Have an amazing day!


Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sweet Land of Liberty work today!

 I have veered off the course a little bit, and have made some different blocks, because I could not figure out the original stars that were in Cheri's and Lori's and Denise's quilts.  So...I made my own!  And added a couple of hearts.  I love this project!!
I was idly thinking over the last few weeks...I need to make a pincushion out of this little orphan block.  I tend to think these things and not actually DO these things...and that changed today.  I made that pincushion! I made a little string wallet too, so I can keep my receipts in it for the month, until I can reconcile the bank statement.  I feel so organized!!  NOT!  Hahahaha!

Have an amazing day today!


Log Cabin lovely-ness!! We loonies ride again!

I thought I would do a post before Tuesday, which is normally when I will post about Log Cabin Loonies, and show you some gorgeous blocks being made.  ***********update!************  These pretty blocks were made by Dortha!!!

These blocks were in my email box! Aren't they so pretty???  Just looks like Christmas to me...gorgeous!!  There are just so many options with log cabin blocks, from the block itself, to layout, to colors, as above.  There was no name that I found attached to them, but I have e-mailed to ask  this person to share her name, so when I know, I will update this post.  Maybe it was there and I just did not see it, LOL!  I just had to share her gorgeous blocks!

 These gorgeous blocks are Helen's!!!  Aren't they so pretty?  I was delighted to see them in my email...just using every scrap imaginable, kind of like what I do.
 I like the red centers!!
 The above blocks are Kathy's!!  Not everyone has a blog, so I am getting pictures in my email, and just wanted to show you what people are up to.  Those clothes pins are very special to Kathy, as she had a very close family member pass away and she found these in belongings of that person.
 She is connecting both past and future, in making these pretty blocks!!!  Love your scrapping it, Kathy!!

Have an amazing day, each one of you!!!


Friday, August 24, 2018

An old story!

 Once upon a time, in the high mountains of Colorado, where the wind blew cold and the snow piled deep, lived a mountain man.  He grew his own food, raised his own animals and chickens for meat and wool and leather and eggs, and hunted and fished and gardened and preserved much of everything else he and his family consumed.  This tough, brawny, stocky man almost never went to the was a rare day when anything he ate did not come from the work of his own hand.  He was never in a restaurant, ever, to the knowledge of anyone who knew him.

The deer and elk that he hunted, (and used every tiny bit, from antler to meat to hooves to trophy hunter here), had beautiful hides, that he patiently cured by hand.  Later, he had a town person do this for him.  He never wasted, anything, ever.  Leather jackets were sewn, leather gloves; moccasins.

Surprisingly, he was also a quilter.  He made the above quilt, on a little black featherweight sewing machine, sewing through thick layers of leather, to make the above quilt.  This quilt weighs 24 pounds, on my home scale. It is tied with leather ties, through the center of each block, and is backed with purple satin, and of where this came from is a mystery to this day.  It was a heavy, sturdy item, meant for cold nights in a little house with no heat, except from a tiny potbellied stove in the front room.

I have that little black sewing machine.

Have you guessed it?

This man was my father.  Born in 1919, he was a true mountain fellow, living outdoors and doing things that were even then considered to be of an earlier era.  He was a world war 2 vet, fighting for our country, too.

I guess I did not know this quilt existed.  My brother had it, and he lives in Australia.   He recently told me about it, and so this quilt has been from Colorado to Australia, and now to Texas, where I live now.  It now belongs to me, as I am the family quilter.

It is so heavy as to be uncomfortable to lie under, but in the snowy nights below zero, I imagine it felt very good!  It was made in the 1950's, and has no label.  I am making one to put on it, so everyone knows about where this particular quilt came from, and who made it.

So I guess I came by my quilting love naturally!  My mom made dozens of scrap quilts, and now I know my daddy made at least this one, too.  I sure miss them...I was born when they were in their late 40's, and was raised in exactly the same environment as I described above.  More like I was born in the 1800's instead of the 1970's, and I believe it was fairly unique for the time.

I grew up tough and strong, and worked hard every day with my parents.  It was a great childhood, in retrospect.  I never knew how poor we really were, but I am so fortunate to have lived this life, up in my beloved Rockies.

Thank you for letting me share this story.

And in other news!

 This is what is on my bed!  What is on yours?????  This is a very worn bullseye quilt...raw edge machine applique.  Scrappy!!
I am working on the border for the row by row quilt.  Lots of tiny one inch finished squares to sew together!!!  And super fun!!!

Have a wonderful day...what is your quilt story?  Would love to hear about your heritage!!


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Forward progress is a good thing!

 I am just SO CLOSE to getting this quilt all quilted!!  I am quilting through the middle of each string.  I added the quilting filled hearts here and there over the quilt.
 I love my hearts, LOL!!
 I finished the binding on this quilt, as well.
In these troubled political and national news times, I love to think of these, hope and the greatest of these is LOVE!!!

I hope each of you is having a wonderful quilty day!


Sunday, August 19, 2018

Blog list additions!!

I don't know about every quilt blog...but I wish I did!!!  Here are some I have added to my list.  If you have one I don't know about, I would love to add you, too!!  Just email me!!

It adds some fresh new ideas to the mix, you know?  And I love quilting friends from everywhere!!!


Saturday, August 18, 2018

Log Cabin Loonies!!

I thought I would share with you this lovely, simply gorgeous log cabin quilt!!  It is by Audrey Mantle, and is called "Maryland Memories".  It was in the Quilt inspiration blog from quite a few years ago.  Isn't it splendid???  I love it...the log cabin block is so very versatile!!!  Thank you so much, Audrey, for letting us enjoy your amazing quilt!

I am posting tonight, because I had to pick up an extra shift at the hospital on Tuesday, and I didn't want to miss what all you Log Cabin Lunatics have been up to!!  I say that with only the very highest takes someone very special to be a Log Cabin Loonie, LOL!  I just love all the super fun people who have expressed interest...and hey...let's face it!  Life is busy...this is informal and meant to be super fun!!  I think this is a fun way to make super pretty and fun quilts, and use up some of our hoarded strings and stash.   So far we have:

Me!  Hahaha!
Cathy L
Julie Rose
Quilter Kathy
Annie O
Nancy M

I am sure I have missed a few, and if I did please forgive me for missing your name,  so please email me and let me know...or join in anytime!!  Just link your log cabin progress to the linky page at the bottom, on most is super fun!  I am taking an opportunity to share some really fun gifts each week from my stash.  This is a current one, just came in the mail, in fact....and tada!  This is this week's gift to you.

 This is a fusible applique kit, and has all the applique pieces to make this bench pillow, or it can be a wall hanging if you like. I just love that owl...and I will tell you a secret.  I have two of this kit!
This is the front of the pics are terrible, but there it is!!  This just came from Sentimental Stitches.  I am sharing with you!

So just share your link at the bottom, or you can email me your log cabin blocks or pieces pictures, and I will share them.  Keep in mind I work more than full time, but I will do my very best to share any pictures I get in e-mail...we love to see your work!!

The winner from this past week, by random drawing,  is Caryl, of Cinnamon Holiday Workshop!! I have sent her an email.

Have an amazing day, all!


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Helen's log cabin blocks, and Dearest Boy block!!

Here is my latest Dearest Boy block!!  I really enjoyed adding the embroidered stems and even thorns on the stems.  Great fun!  This block reminded me of Mom...she had a wonderful green thumb, and had flowers you would not believe, including many varieties of rose!!  Glorious!!

Please see all these quilters, who are making blocks for this quilt!!

Lookee!!  Helen (no blog), is making these fun blocks!!!  Aren't they pretty??  They are just so, so pretty!!!  Helen, only one picture showed up, but I put it right up here...thank you for sewing along!!

Have a lovely day, each of you!


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Log Cabin Loonies!!!

 As you know, log cabin quilts come in all shapes and sizes!!  Long ago...maybe TEN years ago, in the early days of the blog, I met a lovely person on line.  Her name is Stina, and she blogged

here        :

Now she blogs here!

For many years, I have loved reading her blog!!!!  From the start, Stina was always so kind to me.  So, quilting connections are sweet and fun!!  She made a variation of the quilt above, which is from Cheri Paine's fun creations.  I have loved that quilt for a long time, and finally, I started my very own version!!  It is made from 1/4 log cabin blocks!!!   Here is where I am so far.  I have also been working on my tiny log cabin blocks, too.

If you have been working on your log cabin blocks, of any size, please link up and share below!!!  

Nurse's Notes******************************************************

Yes, I have a nursing cap.  We were one of the last classes that actually had nursing caps, and strips...just like an old fashioned nurse!  I found this as I was cleaning and organizing drawers/.  I love it!!

I also found my mom's bandage scissors, and my old nursing apron, when we used to use such things.  We are lucky now, to not have to wear all white, and equally lucky to have lots of great pockets in our scrubs, for all the things that used to go in the apron!!!
Just sharing some of those old things I found...


Here is the linkup!!

And here is the prize for this week, for Log Cabin Loonies.  These are some pretty bright fabrics and a spool of Aurilfil thread.  So add your link so we can admire your pretty log cabin progress!!  Even strips is just fine, friends!


Sunday, August 12, 2018

Sweet Land of Liberty blocks

 I have a silly looking bird here...looks like a seal with a red wing!  LOL!!!  I like the remembrance banner, however.
 Here is where I am on this months blocks.  More to come.
For my "pickle" I was in last week...I added another red tiny geese row, and three more rows of pieced blocks.  TADA!!!  Almost finished...the border will take some doing, however, being 1 inch finished piecing.  This one is closer to being marked off the list for this year!  Whoop!!!

Have a super day, each of you!!


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

A bit of a pickle!

 I have been making progress on my row-by-row quilt this past month...and here is my progress up to today.  There is only one more row left!!  Which makes...a nearly square quilt.  Which is NOT what I was hoping for, LOL!!  I blithely flung myself into this project, and didn't even think about the length.  I need quilts that are big enough for a hospital bed, or couch sized, and a square one does not work for what I need.  I thought of adding just a plain border top and bottom, or an applique piece, or a string border...but I just think I am going to make another three rows of little blocks of my  own design.  I got to hunting in the pieces and parts basket, and I have some little blocks that may work.  What would you do??

Stay tuned!!
Many of you will recognize this quilt  as a sampler that was running last year...I have been gifted with this quilt.  I treasure it, and the maker.  Thank you so, so much!!!  I am just overwhelmed.

Quilting friends are simply the best ones, ever.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Calling all Log Cabin Loonies!!

 It is Tuesday!!  So that is time for those little Log Cabin blocks!!

Are you a super fun quilter?  OF COURSE YOU ARE!!  Are you ready to start making tiny log cabin blocks?  As I am, maybe you are...maybe we are LOG CABIN LUNATICS!!!  A wonderful, fun group of us played here with log cabin blocks before on this the LOONIES ride again!!   WHOOP!!

As I blogged about last week, these tiny blocks are 4 inches finished.  They are so much fun to make!!  I think contrast is a big factor, so see that tannish print on the dark side of the block?  It would have looked better if it were a more saturated color.  Just keep that in mind as you are selecting fabrics and cutting logs; it really helps!

I have been cutting one inch strips for a long time, in an attempt to clean up after scrappy projects, and to make something useful from my strings.  I grabbed a random handful, and cut out one block.  This week, I cut a whole bunch more, using pieces in that string basket.  So I have lots of random one inch wide strips.

MAKE A TEST BLOCK...JUST ONE!!!  Make sure your cutting is accurate and my measurements are right and your seam allowance is good, etc.  TRUST ME on this...make a test block. Make it with fun fabrics and good contrasts.   The block  should measure 4.5 inch unfinished and 4 inch finished.  I laid out logs for one block on my cutting board, just for grins.

Red is the center----1.5 inches square (or whatever color you choose, or could be a random color)

Log measurements are as follows:

….light 1 inch x 1.5 inch
….light 1 inch x 2 inch

…..dark 1 inch x 2 inch
….dark 1 inch x 2.5 inch

….light 1 inch x 2.5 inch
….light 1 inch x 3 inch

….dark 1 inch x 3 inch
….dark 1 inch x 3.5 inch

….light 1 inch x 3.5 inch
….light 1 inch x 4 inch

…..dark 1 inch x 4 inch
….dark 1 inch x 4.5 inch

Start piecing this square with one red square and your first light strip, then add strips in a counter clockwise manner around the block, until you have used all your test block strips...All strips are pressed away from the center, to the outside of the block, not necessarily to the dark side. Just press outward, and your blocks will lie nice and flat.  I just finger press, until I am done piecing the blocks, then I press them nicely flat.

Measure your should be 4.5 inches square.   I guess if all your blocks are the same size, it would work out just fine, but if you are accurate with your 1/4 inch seam allowance, it will be 4.5 inches square.  

 So last week, we wrapped our minds around the actually cutting and construction of these little here are my centers.  Yes, I use my casserole dishes as a pieces and parts receptacle, LOL!!  I use what is at hand, and that casserole dish was just right there! ...Believe it or not, there are 400 little 1 1/2 inch squares in here!!  Red...for the fireplace, the "heart" of the log cabin.  Took me about 10 minutes to cut them from strips...easy peasy.

How I cut the logs:  I stack the pressed strips together, and cut the largest pieces out first, to make the best use of my fabrics.  About 5 strips per stack to cut...too many more and accuracy suffers a bit, for me.

But of course, to sew, I start sewing with the littlest pieces first!  So cut the biggest first, and sew the littlest first, LOL!!

I do not sew a block at a time, but rather, chain piece all the first log to all the centers, finger press, then add the next to every center, finger press, and so on!!  This makes the best use of my time to chain piece.    Of course you can hop up and press each time...but I just have to use every moment I have, so finger pressing is fine with me on these tiny pieces.
So there you go!!!

This size block is just one example of what you can if you have bigger strips, you can make your own pattern and have bigger blocks!!!

Won't you join us?  Bust that stash of strings!!!  Make a log cabin quilt!  Maybe you just want 12 blocks, or 20, or 80, or (gulp) 500!!!  or a zillion!

Ready?  Set?  Go!!!

I have several stacks of fabrics to give away for prizes for our linky parties, which will be on Tuesdays, unless they call me into work or something crazy happens.  Next week, be sure and come back and share your plans and progress, no matter what size blocks you make!!

Hugs to all!


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

House cleaning day!! So not much sewing...

Happy Summer!  Just a bitty quilt for today.  Have a wonderful day, on this hot summer day!  The sunflowers are growing with wild abandon along the roads!!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...