Monday, June 11, 2018

Monday tidbits!!

 I recently won a little quilt from a quilt show!!!  I think this is just so pretty...the lady's applique is perfect, not a stitch in site...and look at her circles!!  wow!!!  All the proceeds go to our scholarship funds, so I was glad to donate.  Even her stripes match on the border!!
 Chantal, I am doing all kinds of things with your blue plaid piece you sent...this is just one tiny heart quilt.  Love those plaids!!
 And here is a rather crude, (but loved anyway) cast off little piece, in a scrap I made a coaster out of it.
 I have to highly recommend this book!!  I got it recently at Joann's...and it has a ton of blocks, all in different sizes.  Very clear and accurate instructions, in color for each block.  I smell a sampler quilt coming on!!

One of my goals was to make a string quilt this year, so I made this block, as an experiment.  Strings are just super fun!!

**************************Nurse's Notes**************************

We have a patient in the hospital, who has been in and out for 7 months now.   He was a full cardiac arrest, and we resuscitated him, put him on hypothermia protocol, and here we are, months later. He is the most darling man I think I have ever met.  Just set back, after set back, and he remains calm, steadfast and happy.  Including multiple amputations!!  and surgery after surgery.  He was an all American football player, and that core of strength has served him well.  Most patients would have given up a long, long time ago, but he is just a rock...I love to go into their room!

I asked him and his wife if I could share a bit of their story, and they said sure!


I hope each of you has a magnificent Monday!!!



Cathy said...

The quilt that you won is so sweet. Love those circles. I too have that book. It sits next to my sewing machine. I also purchased the next book in the series. Hugs

Lori said...

I would have a difficult time with those physical setbacks. Nice to know there are such strong and positive people!
Love your blocks.

Tired Teacher said...

Congratulation! The little quilt is fabulous, and I'm glad you won it.

I like the sashing between the strings. I may have to make a few blocks, too.

Chantal said...

Congratulations on your recent win. What a beauty! Love everything about it. The HSTs and the border go so well together. Really gorgeous! I'm happy for you.
Aaawwwwhhhhh! ♥ ♥ ♥ Your mini plaid heart quilt is FAAABbbbulous!! Happy to hear you are totally enjoying the little piece of plaid. As I drove to work today, I saw a car parked in a driveway, with a plaid paint job all over. It was red, black and some white. It was awesome and I wanted to stop to take a picture but there was nowhere to park. Darn!
Love your "crude" mug rug. Looks like "majestic mountains" to me. Enjoy! ;^)

Sherrill said...

Oh man, I would've made myself a DNR long ago. With DH gone and kids/g-kid who don't give a flip, there's nothin' keeping me here. You musta got that little quilt at the FTW show, huh? Very nice!!

Karen said...

The little quilt with the bird is sweet so sweet.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Great quilt you won. It's fun turning little odd pieces into something useful.

Kyle said...

I always enjoy your little tidbits and nurse's stories.

WoolenSails said...

Wonderful little quilt and fun to help a good cause.
Your story is inspiring, no matter what happens to us in life, it is our attitude about it, that gets us through.


Quilter Kathy said...

What an inspiration to all of us... thanks for sharing that story!
You won a lovely little quilt... I am amazed by the striped mitered corners!

Janet O. said...

Lots of cute little creations to enjoy here, Julie.
I love the blue plaid hearts. Fun idea--I would never have thought of plaid hearts.
What a stalwart man! Inspiring. Thanks for sharing his story with us!

Michele Bilyeu said...

Your quilting always lovely, your stories and examples of your own sweet spirit shining through and reflected by others...priceless❣

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...