Wednesday, June 20, 2018

just a little sewing

 Just playing with these blocks!!  Lori at Humble quilts made a quilt like this, and she said I could borrow her idea...this has been a couple (few) years back, LOL!!!  I was just laying out what I have and seeing where to go next.  Super fun!!
 Here is the block.  Hers use a different size strip, and frankly, I like hers better...but I will play with these until I finally decide on what to do.
 So if you have cut off corners from making star blocks, sometimes you just have to sew them together and see what you get!!  Maybe you, like me, have a ton of saved this is an idea!
I made a blue berry is delicious!!!

Have a great day!



Quilting Babcia said...

I love those string blocks, especially when the photo is rotated to the star blocks face downward and the strings point skyward! Great way to use up extra little friendship star blocks (does anyone really have extras of those cuties?) Are those your homegrown blueberries? Ours are at least 2-3 weeks from ripening, and we're hoping the black bear that has been hanging around the area doesn't get to them before we do. Your pie looks delicious!

Tired Teacher said...

Oooh, I like those string and star blocks!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love blocks like that! It would be fun to use orphan blocks that way too.... ( I think)

Kyle said...

That's a great string block combined with the star. Looks like fun.

Sue SA said...

Testing, one two three, hope my comment appears in your email! LOL in desperation to reduce the scrap pile I started sewing HST together into the same little four patch! Its just one of my Rainbow scrappy challenge blocks. Your pie looks yummy and so do your log cabin blocks.

Karen said...

I like the log cabin blocks you are making (inspired by Lori). Nice patriotic colors.

I wish I were there for a piece of the pie. Even better would be peach pie.

Chantal said...

I remember when you started making these blocks. I was wondering how come you never showed us the quilt. Now I know. The blocks look good together.
I've been playing with teeny tiny little triangles lately too. Check my blog to see the end result. I so love it.
Enjoy the plaid. ;^) ♥

moosecraft said...

Oooooh! Your stars and strings blocks are fabulous! Makes me wish I had more red, white and blue in my stash! :-)
Mmmmmm....pie! :-)

Janet O. said...

Love that patriotic design you got from Lori. :)
IMO there is always a use for leftover triangles. They are so much fun to play with!
Oh, the pie looks good!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Cute blocks, but I want that pie! I've got the ice cream to go with it.....

Kim said...

Blueberry pie! My favorite, my husband doesn't eat it so I haven't baked one since the kids left....1999 can that be??
Oh love the red, white, and blue is gonna be a beauty.
Looking forward to the next group of "Liberty" blocks :0)
Happy Sewing

Lori said...

I love that quilt! Yours will look great any way you make it.
Yum! Blueberry pie. That isn't on my current diet though.:(

KaHolly said...

There you go again, making another gorgeous scrap quilt that just sings out to me!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...