Wednesday, June 13, 2018

String quilting: the brights!

 I have sewn, and sewn, and sewn!!  I am setting my string blocks together like this; thirty blocks in all.  The little string blocks are 4 inches finished, with 3/4 inch sashing, and the little nine patches have 3/4 inch finished pieces in them too. So, this is on my list for the year, and it feels great to make some progress on something on that list!
Talk about bright!  Lol!!!  I think I have all of these pieces and parts made, so now just for the fun of piecing the strings!!  I am using tiny pieces in this quilt, and that is fun to use them up!!
 Well, what can I say...I had an opportunity to go to the quilt shop and here is what I came away with.  I am addicted, I guess...but it is so much fun!!
A very dear friend sent me these, and it sure brightened up my life so much, at a much needed point. Thank you, Loris!!!!  I love you see that the top pink is really...wait for it....a plaid???


Have a super day, each of you!!



Karen said...

The setting for your string blocks is different and interesting.


I think these days we could all need a bit of cheering up--your friend found a good way to that for you--love the color!!! Nice string blocks--steady as she goes--
enjoy, di

Chantal said...

I just ♥ the fabric that came home with you. They are all so wonderful!! Oh! I just have to go and pet some plaid now. See ya! ;^)

Tired Teacher said...

❤️ ❤️ the plaid fabric that you adopted! Enjoy

Loris said...

Such a fun setting for your string blocks! I'm going to do that someday.
Enjoy those beautiful plaids and pinks :-)

Kaja said...

I love this way of setting your string blocks- and you are working so small! It's going to look fantastic once you get it all done. Fabric may be an addiction but at least it's clean and legal. :-)

Janet O. said...

That pretty blue sashing will make this such a happy string quilt!
Lovely group of fabrics you scooped up at the shop.
You do love your pink. Those gifted fabrics are so you. :)

audrey said...

I just recently bought a piece of that gorgeous pink plaid looking fabric! Those types of fabrics are so irresistible to me.:)

Kyle said...

Love the new additions to your stash. I hadn't realized your string blocks were so small. All those little strips are making quite an impact.

Binsa said...

Enjoyed seeing your new string quilt Julie

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

oh i like the bright!! it will be awesome!

Lori said...

Lovely string project and terrific new fabric for the stash!!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...