Saturday, June 2, 2018

A little rainbow sewing

 Here is the flock, so far...each month, I have been sewing with a different color, but somehow I repeated pink this last month.  This is my progress so far...I am just going to keep sewing scraps of fabric into birds until I have enough to make a quilt!
 Here are my pink feathered friends for this month!!
 The same thing happened for this project...more pink blocks.
 I don't mind...I love pink the very best!!!
This little fellow is still my favorite bird...he would be just a sparrow out in the fields, but I just love him...maybe because he is plaid!!

I am linking to Angela...check out the rainbow quilts going on!!

About comments...I read every one and cherish them, and how is everyone else solving this problem?  Any word on when blogger might fix the problem of comments not connecting to my email?

Have a super day!



Randy D. said...

Those birds are just adorable, Julie!! Love them.
I don't know what's going on with the comments. I'm not getting them in my email either.
Hope someone can figure out how to fix that!

Lori said...

Blogger is working on it, but a temperary fix is to comment on your own blog, clicking the box "Email follow-up comments to". You'll be notified when a comment has been made.

Love your colorful blocks!

julieQ said...

Following for comments!

Chookyblue...... said...

Oh I love the birds......

Karen said...

What size are the bird blocks?

julieQ said...

Thank you, Chooky!!!

Karen, the bird blocks are 6 inches, unfinished, and 7.5 inches, unfinished. Odd sizes!

dq said...

Both rainbow quilts are so gorgeous! I think it is a great idea to use up your scraps in the bird one and the other. I have never participated in the rainbow challenge before because I am still finishing UFOs and don't have lots of random scraps not assigned to a project.

Loris said...

Your rainbows are all so cheerful and lovely. The birds always make me smile and inspire me. The plaid just makes my heart sing :-)

Cathy said...

I love your birds. I'm going to have to find a pattern. Hugs

Barb said...

I love these little birds~

julieQ said...

Thank you, DQ!!! I am loving using up my scraps, and there are so many rainbow ideas shared on Angela's site!

Thank you too, Lori...It is super fun!! I do love plaids, as you all know, LOL!

Cathy, I will send you my pattern.

Barb!! I do too, love those birds!

All of you have an amazing day!

Tired Teacher said...

The birds make me smile every time I see them. ❤️ the plaid one, too!

Julierose said...

Your birdies are just so far as the comments problem--I am having to reply right on my post--and since i have to keep on checking to see when someone comments I find this very frustrating..if any comments come through, they are "no reply" which is no help at all really...I say KISS blogger..!!!;((( hugs, Julierose

Chantal said...

Lovely little flock you've made. Nothing wrong with more pink. I find that some pink in a quilt softens it. One day I might have a flock of my own ... and I ain't talking those in my backyard either. Love the pinwheels too. Enjoy! ;^)

julieQ said...

Thank you dear Nancy!!! You just knew the plaid one be the one I loved, too, LOL!!

Thank you, Julierose!! ...indeed...keep it simple, blogger, but fix it quick!

HI Chantal!! Thank you!!! Pink is my favorite...

Velda at the Freckled Fox Quiltery said...

OMGosh I made almost the same bird quilt. Mine ended up with more than 75 on the front and another 10 or so on the back. I cannot pick a favorite. I love them all.

Kyle said...

Both of your rainbow projects are awesome. Those. Little birds make you smile and the pieced blocks just seem to flow together. You're doing a great job

Susan Hamann said...

I especially like the rainbow pinwheel 1/2 square triangle quilt.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Lynne Tyler also has a fabulous tutorial for making liberated birds - there's a link on her blog to her Etsy shop where you can get the tute for $10 as an instant download. Love that little sparrow -- agree that the plaid makes him extra charming!

Kleine Vingers said...

The birds are adorable. Greetings

Laura said...

I also love your little flock of birds! So cheery!

Deb A said...

Love those pretty birds! What a wonderful and colorful flock you have. We all will be so happy once the comment issues is fixed. I tried a few different things..... nothing has worked so far. Looking forward to seeing some teal birds on Saturday.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...