Friday, May 18, 2018

Some hand stitching

 I completed all  of the hearts block applique I have ready.  Pink ones are for this month, so stay tuned for those, as they are cut out and ready to go.  I am linking with Angela, for Rainbow quilting,  and Kathy, for slow stitching,  so please go see their blogs below!!

Whoops, Kathy's link up is closed, but still go see all the amazing hand stitching going there.  Fabulous!

I finished the hand quilting and applique and binding on these little mug rugs.  The bluebonnet block is one block from a vest that my friend wore out and threw in the rag bag.  I have 12 more of the little blue bonnet blocks, and they are so cute!  Tiny, tiny....

I also bound two quilts, but they are old news by now, and will be given to patients or anyone who needs one.

I am appliqueing on the Dearest Boy goose is super cute!!  Stay tuned for the 30th, when we will all show our blocks.


Nurse's Notes:

I don't know...I worked 20,000 steps worth yesterday, got home way late, and still feel like I didn't do everything I should have.  No lunch, not even time to tinkle!!!  Sigh...some days are just like that, so I look forward to the days that are full and fun, with people healing and doing great!!

I would like some cheese with this bit of wine... (whine)!!!  Thanks for listening...



Janet O. said...

After the day you had, you can express all the frustration you want! You earned the right, and I will happily serve the cheese!
In spite of all the hours you put in, you amaze me with your productivity. And those little mug rugs are so stinkin' cute!!

Tired Teacher said...

I agree completely with Janet O. You are a rock star at quilting and at nursing! ❤️

Joyce Carter said...

I agree with Janet. You are an amazing nurse and you do so much for everyone, But it is impossible to do everything. So be proud of what you get accomplished and know that you are very much appreciated for everything you do.

Kyle said...

Your dedication is truly inspiring. I hope you get to take a potty break next time though!

Chookyblue...... said...

The heat blocks look great.......
Busy work days makes it go faster.......

Quilting Babcia said...

Sending you some virtual cheese! Your dedication (and energy) is inspiring! Love those little mug rugs, so spring-like and cheerful.

Karen said...

The mug rugs are nice and I could see them (along with more of the same or similar) and make a quilt with them rather than mug rugs.

Quilter Kathy said...

Such fun little mug rugs!
Hope you have less of those crazy busy days ahead, and a more relaxing manageable pace!

Lori said...

You are like the energizer bunny! Love your blocks and mug rugs!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...