Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Collaborative quilting: Dearest Boy

I finished this block; the first block from the quilt, "Dearest Boy."  I used a few less leaves than the original pattern, because I could not fit them all in the space without really being crowded.  So I have a few left over leaves for something scrappy, LOL!!!  I still need to trim the block.

This block reminds me of the lace that my mom sewed onto the edges of blouses and skirts.

I am making this quilt along with Karen, who blogs at Log Cabin Quilter, and Cathy, who blogs at Big Lake Quilter.  Please go and see their versions of this block!  We will be posting on the 15th and the 30th of the month for our progress on the quilt.

Of course my mom would say, "If the good Lord willing and the crick don't rise!"

Have a super day!!



Cathy said...

Wow...I'm very impressed. I must admit I am not a fan of this block and my block shows it. I'm glad you have joined us in our sew along. Hugs

Karen said...

I like the way you did the "lace" trim. The pink floss goes so well with your pink plaid. Nice to have you along for the ride on the sew-along. And I have heard that saying about the "crick" many, many times. Have used it myself at times.

belarmina said...

Julie precioso bloque!!
estaré atenta a los siguientes.

Robin said...

Your block turned out very sweet, I especially like the pink. Dearest Boy is going to be so great.

sandi s said...

I love how you did your block, it’s wonderful! Hugs,

Janet O. said...

I am not surprised to see how pretty and pink yours looks. It appears to me to be something of a vintage Valentine.

audrey said...

These are all so beautiful! Wonderful work.:)

Quilter Kathy said...

A fabulous job on a very challenging block!
So fun to see the other versions of it

Kyle said...

You're off to a beautiful start. Love the lace effect.

Little Penpen said...

Beautiful! I saw Karen and Cathy's blocks, too. They are all so pretty. This is going to be an incredible quilt. I can't wait until you girls get to the cow!

Danice G said...

Very cute block. I love seeing all of you three ladies' versions as well.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...