Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Blocks for this day.

 I got a few more blocks done for the Temecula Sampler, that I mentioned yesterday.  The right bottom block was supposed to be a crazy block, but some of the muddy colors crept in, so I will re-do that one.
 Our Bonnie has a really fun block going on in her latest column, "Addicted to Scraps", in Quiltmaker magazine.  I saw that Randy, at Barrister's block, is making some.
 I found two copies of the magazine at Joann's, so I am giving them away.  Just leave a comment if you would like to be placed in the drawing for one of them.
Tomatoes from the garden are ready....pretty color, don't you think?

Have a great day!



Tired Teacher said...

Fresh tomatoes are THE best! Enjoy I like he slices with a tiny bit of sugar sprinkled on them. Yum!

Thanks for the opportunity to win the magazine.

Quilting Babcia said...

I'd love a copy of that magazine, have not been able to find it locally, and my back issues have precluded a trip to the city two hours away. I keep seeing Bonnie's tile blocks everywhere and would love to try some one of these days. Thanks for offering up your copies!

Randy D. said...

oooh that Temecula quilt is so going to be nice. I was really tempted to make it... still might.
your blocks are great. I love their patterns!
No need to send me the magazine, obviously... I already ripped mine apart to take out the pattern.
you're so sweet.
And tomatoes already?? There is a benefit to living in Texas!! ;-))

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Wow! You have tomatoes already??? We are just now starting to get warm, in Illinois. Have fun making all your blocks. Bonnie's block is interesting. I've seen it on her blog.

Janet O. said...

Blocks are looking good. Haven't even planted the garden yet, and with the wedding and a trip immediately afterward, we may be back too late to put one in this year. Well, I do have the onions and raspberries growing, but that might do it.
I would love a chance to win the magazine, Julie. Very kind of you. I don't let myself buy the magazines anymore, because there just isn't any room. But, hey, if I win one, that is different. :)

scottylover said...

You are going to town on those blocks. Love seeing your progress!

Please count me in on the give away. I haven't been able to find it anywhere here and those blocks by Bonnie are just calling to me!

Sandy A

Ivani said...

Your bloks for Temecula Sampler are great, Julie. I am resisting to make this sampler with all my force. So much going on here, I don't want to begin another project right now.
If there is no problem for you to send the magazine overseas, please put my name in, I would love to win.

hetty said...

Wow! Tomatoes from the garden already? I just planted mine.

Chookyblue...... said...

Yes remake the bottom one......the tomatoes look great.......are they ox tail variety.....?

Nancy said...

I would love to have this magazine. Big Bonnie fan here.

ledamewood said...

I love seeing your progress on the Temecula blocks. I'm a big Bonnie fan too and would love to win a copy of the magazine.

moosecraft said...

Tomatoes? Your garden is doing well! I haven't planted anything yet (we've had so many days of rain)....maybe this weekend.
I'd be happy for a chance at winning a Quiltmaker Magazine. Thank you.

Terri in Texas said...

Your tomatoes look wonderful! I’d love a copy of Quiltmaker!

kynomi said...

My tomato plants look great but so far only have blooms. I would love to win a copy of the magazine. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Would love a copy of the magazine. Been watching Bonnie build her quilt and have not been out to get a copy. Thanks for the chance to get a copy.

Dotti in CT

Lynn Dykstra said...

Tomatoes??? In May???

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...