The list is helping me. It keeps me a bit on focus, when I have a tendency to have start-itis and leap from project to project. Does list making help you?
Have a great day!!
Above are some bookmarks I created for friends. I used a Free Spirit charm pack. These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...
I like this quilt a lot!
WOW!! I think you're up to 5 finishes a week now, right? LOVE that one but no tiny blocks for this old gal anymore.
I really like this one. It is very cheerful looking.
I like lists because they remind me of what needs to be done. Problem is, I keep adding to the list rather than crossing off ...
I love your cheerful fun spring-looking quilt!
Yes, I try to accomplish everything on my list, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. Some items on the list are really small, like empty dishwasher, when I'm not feeling energetic. and when there are BIG jobs, I only list a small portion of that big job. Yes, some items get carried over, but I feel GOOD when I see everything has been checked off.
LOVE the log cabin with the corner squares - sooo pretty! Elaine Adair
Oh, Mountain Trail--love it! Did you make your blocks the same size as Lori's, or are they larger? This looks just grand!
I do make a list of projects that need finishing. Then it gets buried under a pile of UFOs and I forget all about it and just work on whatever is talking to me, or whatever has a deadline. That's how I roll. :)
Lovely quilt!
Yes, I am a list maker, and by making a UFO list this year, I've finished a lot of stalled projects.
Love the barn raising setting for these log cabin blocks. Start-Itis is definitely a virus. I have it far too often!
It loos super! And yes, I'm a listmaker!! And it helps me a lot!
I don't think I have ever made a list for my quiltmaking except in my head.
I think I might try that .love the quilt
LOVE your log cabin quilt!! I like how the red squares add a nice accent. Do you know where I can find the post/pattern on Lori's blog? Would like to give this block a try and use up some scraps.
I make a daily list of things to do, but not one for quilting projects. Maybe I should make a quilting list and maybe I'd get more finished. Love your quilt. Thanks for sharing.
Love this version of log cabin, the red really adds to the pattern. I love lists, but not so good at sticking to deadlines and plans. Just use lists to pretend I am organised, because I know what I have to do....just dont always do it in the right order, because I am easily distracted!
Your version of the log cabin looks terrific. I am an avid list maker. I love to be able to see what I've crossed off.
I love your log cabin! I am a list maker for sure! People always thought it was weird that I would count my UFO's! It gives me a sense of accomplishment when I mark something off the list.
List making helps to remind me that I already have enough....and to not buy anything more until I finish what I have! lol! But, yes...I find that those out of sight, out of mind projects can sit for quite a looooong, list making does help to actually get projects accomplished too. Your log cabin looks awesome! Seems like a "quick quilt" now, doesn't it? lol!
Great job on making progress! I am definitely a list making machine. Most of the time it helps me tremendously with making progress and keeping up with priorities. Once in awhile though I totally fall off the wagon.:) Hey, we are quilters. Totally to be expected right?
'Sounds familiar. I tend to start a new quilt before finishing one. This year is all about finishing those quilt projects. A list is very helpful, and keeps me on track.
List making definitely reins me in. Love this quilt!!list making definitely Reims me in. Love this quilt!!
I always find a list helpful! Your log cabin quilt is going to be gorgeous!
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