Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Dearest Boy; Goosey Goosey!!

Good morning, everyone!!!  This baby is my block for the  album style quilt, "Dearest Boy".  I added some little flowers on the edge of the star, and embroidered the bow outline, but did not add the embroidered wing yet.  I love her! She has lots of attitude, and speaking of that, have you ever had an encounter with a goose?

My sister is much older than I, and she was living on a farm with her husband, that had a pasture with a brook through the middle.  She kept geese there, gray geese, much like this one.  As children, we loved to play in the brook, but were terrified of the geese in the pasture!!  They would chase and chase us, and if they could, they would pinch you with the sassy yellow beak!  Youch! Later I found out that they had nests in the long grass by the brook, bubbling through the pasture.  No wonder they were touchy about three little girls playing about!! 

I love this darling above, though, and she seems to be a little more like a cute!!

Please see Cathy's blog here, and see her goose!!

Please see Karen's blog here, and see her goose, too!!!

Pattern information:  I pasted this from Karen's blog, so you would know how to find the pattern, if interested.

Karen says:

"The pattern designer, Jean Cerbone,  is again able to sell the pattern set for "Dearest Boy".  It is available through Etsy here.  The price is $36.00 which, compared to some album style quilt patterns, is very reasonable."

Thank you, Karen for that information!! It is nice to know that the pattern is available again.

Have a great day, each of you!!



julieQ said...

This is block 1B

Cathy said...

I love it. I think it is interesting that we all did the bow in different colors. Hugs

Karen said...

The embroidered flowers on the bow tie it in with the embroidery on block one. How clever of you. I did a dark red bow. You did a bright red bow and Cathy did hers in blue. It is interesting to see what each of us chooses to do.

I have never been pecked by a goose but have been by an ostrich and it is a big ouch! Your goose block brought back a memory for you.

Tired Teacher said...

My Mom raised geese, so yes I've been chased many times and slapped with their powerful wings. I have great respect for geese!

Quilting Babcia said...

We had a pair of geese for awhile when my children were very young. They were terrified of them, and I always wore long sleeves and jeans when heading out to the barn to collect the chicken eggs as the male would chase anyone who tried to go past his perceived boundary line. He was inconsolable when his mate accidentally wandered into the inherited malamute's area and was attacked and killed. It was so long ago I don't recall what became of the goose (or the malamute).

Angie said...

Oh my goodness, she is so adorable!!

---"Love" said...

Your goose is quite sassy and cute! I've never been chased by a goose, but my daddy's big red rooster chased me every time I went I went in the chicken pen! Not fun! ---"Love"

Lori said...

Yes! Both my kids have had encounters with geese. Not my favorite animal, but sure makes a sweet quilt block!

Kyle said...

Geese can have quite the temperament but yours is pretty cute.

Sandi said...

Your goose is lovely! What an amazing looking quilt, it would be interesting to hear the story behind the quilts design.

Jennie in GA said...

That is one cute goose!! You deserved an easy one after the first block!!

belarmina said...

Julie bonito bloque.

Nancy said...

Your goose is delightful. A quick look makes me think he/she might head for me, you can just see the movement.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...