Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sweet Land of Liberty link up!!

 Here is what I came up with for month five, for my Sweet land of liberty sampler quilt.  This is a quilt along, freestyle, by Lori of Humble quilts.  That means that most of us don't have a pattern, LOL!   Please see below for all the amazing quilts being worked  on!!  I made hearts, instead of the dollies in the original quilt.  Going with my heart, there...hehehe!  Really, since I am a open heart recovery nurse, you just KNEW some hearts would creep into this quilt, didn't you?

 Now for the not up to date part, at least not yet...see that big blankness over on the left side?  There is supposed to be a lovely Lady Liberty applique there.  But, you see, I have not the talent to draw her correctly, so instead of fussing around with her any more, I just left it blank until I can make something that fits in there properly.  ONWARD!  That is my story and I am sticking to it, LOL!  Maybe it will be her, and maybe something else that goes there...

This quilt is my favorite, favorite to pink, maybe.  Anyway, I love this color!  I sorted out all these strings and anything that might possibly go with it, and made this quilt top a couple of years ago.  I recently got it sandwiched and the outside quilted, so I could bind it!!  Yes, I do things out of order sometimes....and it is perfectly OK.  The reason I did this is so I could take it on road trips with me, to hand quilt, and not have it frazzled on the edges.

Have a super day, everyone!!


Dearest Boy; Goosey Goosey!!

Good morning, everyone!!!  This baby is my block for the  album style quilt, "Dearest Boy".  I added some little flowers on the edge of the star, and embroidered the bow outline, but did not add the embroidered wing yet.  I love her! She has lots of attitude, and speaking of that, have you ever had an encounter with a goose?

My sister is much older than I, and she was living on a farm with her husband, that had a pasture with a brook through the middle.  She kept geese there, gray geese, much like this one.  As children, we loved to play in the brook, but were terrified of the geese in the pasture!!  They would chase and chase us, and if they could, they would pinch you with the sassy yellow beak!  Youch! Later I found out that they had nests in the long grass by the brook, bubbling through the pasture.  No wonder they were touchy about three little girls playing about!! 

I love this darling above, though, and she seems to be a little more like a cute!!

Please see Cathy's blog here, and see her goose!!

Please see Karen's blog here, and see her goose, too!!!

Pattern information:  I pasted this from Karen's blog, so you would know how to find the pattern, if interested.

Karen says:

"The pattern designer, Jean Cerbone,  is again able to sell the pattern set for "Dearest Boy".  It is available through Etsy here.  The price is $36.00 which, compared to some album style quilt patterns, is very reasonable."

Thank you, Karen for that information!! It is nice to know that the pattern is available again.

Have a great day, each of you!!


Monday, May 28, 2018

Happy Memorial Day! Lots of antique quilts!

 This quilt top was given to me by my sister, and she attributed it to my mom.  It is not mom's, but maybe my grandmother's.  It is 1930's vintage, happy and fun!!
 Each butterfly is blanket stitched down with embroidery floss, two strands.  There is an embroidery flower that the butterflies are attracted to, in the middle of each block.
 This quilt top is so, so fragile.  The fabrics are gossamer thin, and the seams are coming loose in places.  It is all hand pieced.
 Each corner looks like this.  Torn almost evenly off, like maybe it happened at one time.  I will not be able to finish this one up, because it would not withstand any handling at all,  but I will ALWAYS admire the fragile beauty and joy that was very evidently put into each stitch!!
 Happy Memorial Day!  This butterfly is for Memorial Day...don't you think?  It is perfect!!  I salute all those fallen soldiers who have given so much to me, including my very life and freedom.  Thank you!!
 This next quilt is the oldest one in my collection.  Betsy Chutchian, a well known quilt historian and author, took a look at this one, and she thinks it is probably from 1860.
 The workmanship in this quilt is the very best I have ever seen.  All pieced and quilted by hand, it is quilted about 16 stitches per inch.
 I cannot show the tiny stitches as I would like, but it is truly amazing.  Some of the reds are shattered, due to the unstable dyes, with heavy metals in them, as I understand the fabrics were made with in those days.   It is a treasure, and was given to me by my Brother in law, coming from his family.
 This is a double wedding ring that I bought, I think for a paltry 20 bucks or so.  It has done it job admirably!!!  Very worn out, it has served and kept many a body warm and comforted.  I honor the unknown maker.
All the edges are like this...see where it was pulled on?  That is why I like those pull borders, even on the simple quilts I make today.

Happy Memorial Day!!  I will be commenting back on your blogs to thank you for commenting on mine, until blogger fixes this problem of the comments not coming to our e-mails...hopefully this is temporary.

Have a super day!!!


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Please inform me?

What is going with blogger? I am getting no email notifications when people comment.  Will this be a temporary situation?



I recently completed the fifth block for Linda Brannock's "Flowers" quilt.  I added the striped hearts, inside the pink hearts.  I like the little yellow circles...they pop out there!! It always kind of surprises me what I come up with, from the scraps, as I never really have a cogent plan, LOL! The leaves were a challenge, but I hope I am getting a little better with every applique piece I attempt.  The journey is where it is at for about you?  Is it really all about perfection at the end, or is it a fun effort along the way for you? Is it the creativity, or the fabric, or the actual sewing?

Have a super day!  Happy Memorial Day weekend..."All gave some...some gave all."  I honor each of those brave soldiers who lost their life, and gave the ultimate sacrifice, for my freedom!!


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Blocks for this day.

 I got a few more blocks done for the Temecula Sampler, that I mentioned yesterday.  The right bottom block was supposed to be a crazy block, but some of the muddy colors crept in, so I will re-do that one.
 Our Bonnie has a really fun block going on in her latest column, "Addicted to Scraps", in Quiltmaker magazine.  I saw that Randy, at Barrister's block, is making some.
 I found two copies of the magazine at Joann's, so I am giving them away.  Just leave a comment if you would like to be placed in the drawing for one of them.
Tomatoes from the garden are ready....pretty color, don't you think?

Have a great day!


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A wee bit of progress today!

 Temecula Quilt company is having a sampler quilt along.  I have cut out all the blocks and am making tracks!  Today, I made the above blocks.   If you would like to sew some fun and easy blocks, they are posting one every Friday.  The link is below.

 I changed the middle block, as the dark green seemed a bit too muddy or dark for the rest of the blocks.
 Tell me, if you will, what would you do with these?  These were given to me, and are English paper pieced with 1/2 inch hexies. What you see here is all there are of these; eight of them.
 Also in the packet were these, made from quarter inch hexies!  They are itty bitty!! Any ideas???
In the same little packet were these blocks.  I see them as signature blocks, and as you see, one is smaller than the rest.  Maybe this quilter gave up, when she realized the block was smaller, or maybe the whole thing just lost its shine for her.  I think I will make another one of the bigger size and use them somewhere.  They are fun blocks!!

Thread!!   Someone recently said to try Signature 60 three ply thread, so I ordered some.  It is so, so thin, and snaps easily.  But, my sewing machine loves it!!  I will use it up.  My big time favorite is Aurifil.  What is your favorite thread?  I have some old spools of dual duty I am trying to use up, also.

Also, what is your best needle for hand quilting, and what thread do you use?  Thank you so much for your advice and wisdom!!


Monday, May 21, 2018

Due by the end of the month!!

I am appliqueing on this block.  It is a Linda Brannock pattern, "Flowers".  I added the extra hearts inside the pink hearts.....

I vacuumed, mowed the lawn, did laundry, dishes, etc...and round and round it goes, week after week.    I love stays done!!

Have a super day!


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sister's Choice

 I made this quilt, all from the scrap bin, some years ago.  It is a favorite of mine, and I love the blocks with high contrast the best.    You can find a free pattern for it below.  I became acquainted with the quilt pattern on Bonnie Hunter's Website, and immediate loved it for the use of scraps and maybe because of the name, too!!

Please take a look at all her free scrap quilt patterns!   Go down a little ways down on her page to find the sister's choice pattern.   This is one of my favorite pattern places!

So...I was just playing around, and what if...I made the nine patch from 2 inch strips, and the muslin background from 2.5 inch strips!!  Yahoo!  Another variation is born!!  And I just love plaids, as you know, and can use my strings and scraps for this quilt.

I am going to try to make 56 of these babies, and sash them with pieced sashing.  I love that part, and by the way? This is not on my to-do list....and that makes it even more fun!!

Hope each of you is having an amazing day!


Friday, May 18, 2018

Borders are on!!

 So....I found a border fabric in the stash!  It is another red, LOL!!  Anyway, it seemed to go better than anything else I had, so THERE YOU GO!!

One more glad to mark this Log Cabin quilt on the "top is done" list!

Have a super evening!!

Some hand stitching

 I completed all  of the hearts block applique I have ready.  Pink ones are for this month, so stay tuned for those, as they are cut out and ready to go.  I am linking with Angela, for Rainbow quilting,  and Kathy, for slow stitching,  so please go see their blogs below!!

Whoops, Kathy's link up is closed, but still go see all the amazing hand stitching going there.  Fabulous!

I finished the hand quilting and applique and binding on these little mug rugs.  The bluebonnet block is one block from a vest that my friend wore out and threw in the rag bag.  I have 12 more of the little blue bonnet blocks, and they are so cute!  Tiny, tiny....

I also bound two quilts, but they are old news by now, and will be given to patients or anyone who needs one.

I am appliqueing on the Dearest Boy goose is super cute!!  Stay tuned for the 30th, when we will all show our blocks.


Nurse's Notes:

I don't know...I worked 20,000 steps worth yesterday, got home way late, and still feel like I didn't do everything I should have.  No lunch, not even time to tinkle!!!  Sigh...some days are just like that, so I look forward to the days that are full and fun, with people healing and doing great!!

I would like some cheese with this bit of wine... (whine)!!!  Thanks for listening...


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Collaborative quilting: Dearest Boy

I finished this block; the first block from the quilt, "Dearest Boy."  I used a few less leaves than the original pattern, because I could not fit them all in the space without really being crowded.  So I have a few left over leaves for something scrappy, LOL!!!  I still need to trim the block.

This block reminds me of the lace that my mom sewed onto the edges of blouses and skirts.

I am making this quilt along with Karen, who blogs at Log Cabin Quilter, and Cathy, who blogs at Big Lake Quilter.  Please go and see their versions of this block!  We will be posting on the 15th and the 30th of the month for our progress on the quilt.

Of course my mom would say, "If the good Lord willing and the crick don't rise!"

Have a super day!!


Sunday, May 13, 2018


 I got the red border on the log cabin quilt, but now I am trying to figure out a small outer border...a "pull border", so that when the quilt is yanked around with hands pulling it up around their shoulders, that the pieced logs don't get pulled on.  I have seen many antique quilts very much pulled out of shape from years of use, so I want a little something there...

And so it begins...the silly little quest, yet kinda important to me, of picking the correct border, out of my stash.  Wheww!  Let me think on it, and choose and see what the quilt is asking for.  
My darling friend Marilyn painted this for me.  She is a retired nurse, a quilter, and an amazing artist too.  This is a water color barn...and I just love it.  Thank you, Marilyn!

******************Nurse's Notes**********************

My patient of the week is very, very sick.  He probably won't make this is graphic, so skip it if you are not interested.  He has been in and out of the hospital for several months, and has had multiple amputations...both feet, lots of fingers, is dependent on oxygen and several drips to sustain him.

And yet?  He greets me with a big smile, hugs!  and "There is my angel nurse!"  He greets everyone the same, and loves us all, and we love him too...and his darling wife of 53 years, and his three beautiful daughters!!

I feel small complaining about ANYTHING, when there is a man, who has every reason to be bitter and depressed, spreading love around like pixie dust.  Oh what a self actualized, sweet man...I am so fortunate to be a nurse!!!


Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there...and this includes dog moms and all the rest of people who nurture anything and anyone!!!


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Scrappy all the way!

 What to do with all the tiniest pieces of fabric?  Here is an idea.  I made this top a few years back, but now it is quilted and the binding is on.  Yahoo!!
Scrappy binding, too!!

*********************Nurse's Notes***********************

Happy Nurse's Week to all those  nurses out there, past and present!

Happy Teacher's week, too!!  Hope each of you has a wonderful day!!



Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Another view!

Just working on the layout, and adding a few little applique off!   To a lunch out!!!  BBQ....yum!


Monday, May 7, 2018

Fragmented days

 I have been working on this quilt, "Sweet Land of Liberty", quilt along with Lori of Humble Quilts.  A bit of slow progress, but any path forward is good, right??
I changed up some of the blocks, and I am planning more.

I did some cutting out of pieces and parts today, and mowed the lawn, cleaned, did laundry and the like.  Hope each of you had some stitching time!!!

Have a super day,


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

One of the list quilts

 Some years ago, Lori of Humble quilts had a quilt along, make tiny blocks, using this log cabin block variation.  I had to make a whole bunch, being so in love with them, and then they sat...and sat...and sat...and then!!!

I decided to put this one on the list, to get it in one piece this year!!  So...I am working on this one.  It will have some plain borders added, and be done.

The list is helping me.  It keeps me a bit on focus, when I have a tendency to have start-itis and leap from project to project.  Does list making help you?

Have a great day!!


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

April Rainbow catch-up!!

 The birds, the birds!  They are gathering!!  Some of you may remember that old Alfred Hitchcock classic, "The Birds", and remember that classic line.  

Here is where I am on my birdie quilt.  Yellow was the color for April, and even though I cut out all the blocks very early in the month, I did absolutely nothing on them until the end of the month...silly girl!  I am going to keep on making blocks, of the color selected of the month by Angela, until I have a big enough quilt to cover a person.

Hey, you just must go see Angela's blog HERE!   Check all the rainbow quilts of all sorts...great fun!
 My yellow birdies...silly little yellow babies!!
 And here is this quilt, too, with the addition of the yellow blocks.  Same goes...gonna make blocks until it is big enough to be useful as a quilt, LOL!
 Yellow blocks of the month.
And at last, the heartie blocks, in yellow, for this month.

I am fascinated by the rainbow quilts, because they give me an opportunity to use my sorted-into-colors scraps, and hey, that is the goal, right?  To use things up?

I have to admit I am having string and plaids withdrawal, though...

Have a super day, everyone!!!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...