Monday, August 28, 2017

Some real finishes!! And the little throw away stool

 The snail trail quilt is bound!!  Yahoo!
 Do you know what this means???  I think it means....I am all caught up on bindings!!  Everything is bound that is ready to be bound.  This is surreal... it has been a BINDING BLITZ for me!!! I am sure that I will have something in the pile again soon, LOL!

This is my version of the quilt along that Jeni from the willow. It is all quilted now and bound.  I may have to block this is so crooked!!  Giggle...I still love it, though. Hand quilted...and the background is Madras!!  That added such texture to the quilt!
 And this little quilt is all quilted and bound.  Thank you for bearing with the repeated helps me keep track of when things are finished!!
 This is an old quilt...screams 80's and 90's, doesn't it?  I finished binding it too.
 Do you all know about this "Magic Binding?"  It is super fun, and a way to get a decent machine sewn binding in place.  I hand sewed this one though, because I love to, but the two color binding is just fun to me.  Super fun!
 This little step stool was thrown in the trash by my neighbor.  I loved it on sight, and asked if I could rescue it...and I did!
The lid was torn off, but it was easily repaired and I will refinish the wood and put another liner on the inside of the lid.  It is tiny!  Just the thing for threads, or some other sewing goodie.

********************Nurse's Notes***********************

My sister has advanced Parkinson's disease.  I have been gone visiting her, as she is going into the nursing home...her husband just cannot do the 24/7 care anymore.  My heart the family member...not the nurse...She was a head book keeper for a major bank, but cannot remember me much, now.


Have a super day, everyone!!



Mrs. Goodneedle said...

First of all, know that your sister is my prayers for peaceful days and you, too, for peace of heart. Your binding finishes are all glorious. I don't know, for sure, what Magic Binding is but I am going to look it up, yours looks great. Your recycled storage stool is absolutely precious and has a new and useful life in your home... score! Sending hugs~

Janet O. said...

Such a heartbreaking situation with your sister! I will keep you in my prayers for peace and comfort.
Love the little stool. That is so cute. Good for you, for rescuing it!
I keep telling myself I am going to learn to do that kind of binding, but so far--nothing.
Love your finishes--even the dated one. LOL


My heart hurts with you--
I had an uncle with that--but he lived in another state so really didn't see--
he was a farmer and loved his cows--
enjoy the moments, di

Julierose said...

So sad about your Sis, my SIL had Parkinson's and it is difficult....hoping for the best for her and you...
I love your little Watering Can lovely hugs, Julierose

Anonymous said...

Oh, my heart hurts for your sister. And for you. Please know prayers are being offered for a peace for her and peace of heart for you. Also will have to look up magic binding, though I usually do hand finishing. Doesn't it feel great when you can recycle and repurpose something. Free is always good.
Dotti in CT

Karen said...

The Snail's Trail is not always an easy block to piece. Mostly because you have to have your thinking cap on while you are sewing to keep from turning something the wrong direction. Well done.

Tired Teacher said...

It's so difficult to see loved ones struggle with health issues. Hugs to you.

All of your bound and finished projects are fantastic- well done!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work Julie,love the stool great find,and my heart goes out to your sister and you,sending you a big hug my friend xx

Kyle said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. I'm glad you were able to go visit. Your binding blitz has finished up some marvelous quilts. I especially like that lovely snail trail. Great job.

Sherrill said...

Oh, so sorry about your sister. One of the gals in our Sunday School class has advanced Parkinson's as well and makes me so sad for her and her hubby! Did you make it to the quilt show in Arlington? I bought a ticket but then was unable to go and have not been able to find many pix online. :-(

Binsa said...

Hello Julie my thoughts and prayers for your sister breaks ones heart.Always enjoy seeing your orojects

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Such sad news about your sister ❤️...beautiful projects ❤️

Little Penpen said...

I am so sorry about your sister! I like all your projects and I made a quilt very similar to your 80-90's quilt for my mom, except mine is mauve and colonial blue. hee hee That little stool is a fabulous find!!

Loris said...

Hugs and prayers for you as you feel so much for your sister. And for her husband too. I know that is a difficult decision to have to make. I pray she feels the love and safety as well.
Your quilts and new stool are delightful :-)
I'm also glad you are a little north in your state and not under water! Houston is in my heart and prayers today.

Vic in NH said...

So sorry that your sister is so ill, that's a very hard thing to bear. Your quilts are always charming and the snail's trail is a beauty! You are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Love your quilts. Congrats on getting all the binding done. I will be looking up magic binding. My thoughts and prayers for your sister and for you. Thanks for sharing.

Sandi said...

What a great trash to treasure score on that stool have fun reworking it! Sorry to hear of your sisters turn in her illness, it's hard when family get ill and there is little you can do, all the best to you and her family.

Missy Shay said...

I am so sorry for your sister, that is very hard. Congrats on your binding blitz.

Rose Marie said...

Such lovely, lovely finishes! I would have snagged that little footstool too. My thoughts are with you, my friend.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Great little stool. I keep a vintage one in my sewing room, to prop my feet on, when I'm not sewing. Difficult time for your family. At least your BIL realized that he couldn't do it anymore by himself. So many wait too long, and several people suffer that way.

Teresa said...

I am so sorry about your Sister. My Dad had that and I know how difficult the care can become, not to mention all the emotional impact. Your quilts look great and that stool is just too cute!

Elaine Adair said...

LUV, LUV Snail Trail!!! Great save of that little stool! Isn't it great to make something from seemingly "nothing"? 8-))

Me and My Stitches said...

I'm always amazed at how much you get done! I love that little binding, but have never tried to do one. Hmmm...need to keep that in mind. I like to sew down binding too, it's just a good, mindless thing to do while watching TV. So sorry about your sister, I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...