Thursday, August 17, 2017

Scrappy Pink and Cream rules!! (at least for today...)

 This is a Rail fence quilt...Julie style!  I started out as a leader and ender, as Bonnie Hunter set forth in this years leader and ender challenge.  But?  I just can't leave it alone, once I have set forth on a project, LOL!  All these blocks are done...a great many of them with individual pieces sewn together, and some of them using strip piecing. 
 Close up!  I have found a couple of lay out errors in the picture, so I am grateful for the opportunity to fix them...I make enough mistakes without knowing, without doing it on purpose, as the quilters of old did..."Perfection is for God alone!"  So many deliberate mistakes were placed in their quilts, so as not to offend God.  I don't think he was offended, LOL!  Nothing is perfect!
Especially this mess of blocks!  I just stirred and mixed them all up and laid them out as above, and asked Rosie the poodle not to help rearrange them so much until I could get a picture, LOL!  She is such a good helper!

******Nurse's notes**********************

More terrorist attacks, this time in Barcelona , Spain.  My prayers are with the victims and families and citizenry, but special prayers are for the health care workers...I wish for wisdom for the doctors and nurses, and fortitude and strength to face the onslaught of those gravely hurt from the attack, throughout this long night.


Hope each of you is having a wonderful day!!



Chookyblue...... said...

I love your quilt........ Such a simple block always looks great.......
Terrible news for Spain.....

Karen said...

I don't think I could make a quilt like yours. I don't have much pink in stash.

Tired Teacher said...

Our world seems to be going mad. . .God Bless the first responders and those who work in hospitals. They are all angels on Earth.

Loris said...

I'm praying too. It is startling even though the terror keeps happening.
Your quilt blocks look wonderful. Rosie was a good girl not to help with the layout :-)

Anonymous said...

its beautiful Julie xx

Janet O. said...

Love this peppermint looking confection! Makes me think of the after dinner type mints that have the colored centers.
I always pray for the victims of the terrorist, and I thank you for reminding me to pray for those that care for them, too! What a challenge they face!

Pieced Brain Quilt Designs said...

The quilt will turn out great! Beautiful prayer...

Missy Shay said...

I love the pink and cream together, it is coming along great!

KaHolly said...

AS always, I am inspired by your scrappiliciousness! I'm heading to my sewing machine right now to take advantage of the early morning quiet and to work on my own! Thanks!

Lynn Dykstra said...


Kyle said...

Pink and cream always looks dreamy together. Funny how leaders and Enders change their function and statist.

Barb said... your leader and enders..... We live in a confused world.

Me and My Stitches said...

So pretty- I'm loving the colors. I have had a quilt on my design wall for a week - all pieced and ready to go to the quilter. Just last night I noticed that I have 2 blocks turned around! UGH!!!!!

Ruth said...

I've enjoyed looking at this pink and cream dream of a quilt for the last week. Only this morning did I finally see the problems in that lower right hand side, and further up on the right side. Took me a long time! Good Luck finishing it!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...