Tuesday, August 29, 2017


 This is what I am working on today!  This is all applique...and super fun.
Here is where I am, so far.


I am heartbroken for Houston.  Please do what you can...people are trapped and dying now, and there will be more.



Binsa said...

I am with you Julie my thoughts and prayers for your people

Sandi said...

What a fun project to be working on. It is so sad what is happening in Houston and other parts. We've major wildfires happening in the province and could use some of the rain that is affecting Houston. It's good to know that so much is being donated to help people and may things dry out soon for so many.

Chantal said...

Although we have never met, every time Texas comes up on the News, I pray for you and your family. So, so sad. Sending more prayers. P.S. It will be such a beautiful, happy quilt. ;^)

Missy Shay said...

I love your quilt I am praying for Houston!

Kyle said...

The devastation is unbelievable. It's hard to imagine.

Janet O. said...

The quilt will be darling when your magic applique is all applied!
They've had more rain in days than we get in years!!
So hard to know what to do to help, but I guess doing anything is better than just sitting here thinking how sad it all is. I need to make a plan.

Sherrill said...

Pretty amazing how many local people are taking their boats, kayaks, rafts, whatever out to try to help those needing help. There was a gal in FL that was operating her phone as a short-wave radio (or whatever) relaying cries for help out to more people and they are responding!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Watching the news so much devastation ❤️Amazing quilt 😍

Loris said...

Lovely applique! It does look like a fun design and handwork might be just the thing to soothe your heart. I'm trying to decide on where to send money. The Red Cross and Houston SPCA are what I'm thinking of. Do you have any ideas of where to help?

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Your applique quilt is such a joy to behold. Yes, tragedy on so many levels surrounding this horrendous gulf coast hurricane. Pray! Pray!! Pray!!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

We have lots of relatives in the Houston area, but, they are all safe, thank goodness. Not sure about all the homes, yet.

Unknown said...

What patten are you using for these blocks?

Vic in NH said...

A wonderful quilt and glad to know that at least you are safe there!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...