Friday, August 4, 2017

Progress on the accidental quilt!

I had to hurry and take a picture, because Rosie the poodle really wanted to help with this quilt, but when she helps?  The blocks get "rearranged!"  This started out as a leader and ender project, but as these things go, the leaders and enders take over.  I strip sewed some of these little three inch blocks,  and leader and ender sewed some.  Anyway, here is where I still a long time to go before I have a finished quilt top.  I am using strictly strings, cutting them to size, for this quilt.  Except for the neutrals...I did not have enough neutral strings to use for all of the quilt, so used my stash neutrals.




loulee said...

Looks like raspberry ripple. Love it.

ES said...

Leader ender projects often take over! I've found that several times!! I think 2018 will have to be my year to finish some of my ufo's, I'll add a rail fence to my list of quilts yet to be started :)

Libby in TN said...

Looking good -- delicious, really. L/Es work fine if they're just HSTs from cutoff corners. But if I have a plan for them, then the L/Es will take over.

Chantal said...

OMG! They are only 3 inches?? Yikes! Boy, you do need to sew a few more to get a quilt. But it will be a beautiful quilt. I love what I see so far. Enjoy! ;^)

Julierose said...

this is coming together so beautifully--raspberries n' cream--yum!! Hugs, Julierose

cityquilter grace said...

really pretty...sometimes simple patterns make beautiful quilts and this one is...

Tired Teacher said...

I used to work on leader and ended projects; however, I always got sidetracked and just worked on them. Now, I just select a project and work on it - no more leader and enders. 😉

AnnieO said...

I've had leader-ended takeovers too! Looking very sweet! Tell Rosie she can pose on the finished top ��

Kyle said...

You're right L and E projects have a way of pushing themselves right into being a regular projects. I have one that's gone from gently nudging to big pushes. But so far I've still resisted. We'll see how long I can hold out. I like loulee's idea of raspberry ripple.

Chookyblue...... said...

Oh I really like this one julie......

Janet O. said...

I take it you don't care for Rosie's design skills?
I hope she is not offended by that. :)
This is really fun--can't believe those blocks are 3". That is a LOT of little blocks. Love Loulee's suggestion of raspberry ripple. Oh, now I want ice cream!!

Anonymous said...

love it Julie xx

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...