Friday, August 11, 2017

And a little (lot!) more applique!!

 I am making progress on this quilt...I am on a bit of a roll with it, as a matter of fact! 
I will have some time to sit and applique coming up, so I did a lot of prep this morning.  The unfinished blocks look like spiders, somewhat, don't you think??


Nurse's notes:

I have been in charge again lately on my floor, but yesterday, we had so many patients coming in that I had to take patients AND be in charge.  One stable heart attack patient (younger than I am), and one bypass surgery, straight from the surgical suite.  I loved the day yesterday, and was quite energized throughout today, too!!  Coffee?  Or estrogen?  I am not sure which chemical it is, but what a lovely day, with lots of accomplishments today!!  I am off to make supper and clean a bit.

Hugs to all!!


Have a super day!



Kyle said...

Glad you'll have time to add the flowers soon. The stems do look like spider legs.🕷🕷

Chantal said...

Whether they look like spiders or jellyfish, I know you will turn them into charming blocks to end up with a gorgeous quilt. I believe what you had yesterday was a serious case of I-love-my-job syndrome. This disease has very serious effects on people but it's not fatal. The most common symptoms are a peak of adrenaline, a very alert brain/reaction time, with a loss of time and of self-awareness. Some sufferers even forget to go to the toilet for an entire day! It's very serious but for most people, it is also ... enjoyable! Well, I do anyway! lol. Oh! I forgot to mention; there's no cure. Enjoy! ;^)

Nancy said...

This is the beginning of such a fun quilt. I can tell already by the colors and pattern you're using.

I'm so far behind in my blog reading.... I scrolled through your posts that I hadn't read (maybe a dozen of them?!) and just wanted to say I hope you have/had a happy birthday. You have sweet friends to send such wonderful gifts.

Tired Teacher said...

I was thrilled to read that you had a good albeit busy day at work. The good ones more than make up for the bad, huh?

The blocks do look a bit like spiders but I know they will soon be covered with blooms. Have fun stitching.

WoolenSails said...

Your blocks are beautiful and it is going to be a beautiful quilt.


Anonymous said...

Hi Julie ,i am loving your blocks ,yes i think they look abit like spiders,lol,work has been very busy for you,hope you have a lovely day xx

Karen said...

Scrappy good!

Janet O. said...

Oh, won't this be a fun quilt!
You, my dear, are an amazing nurse, an amazing quilter, and just an all-around amazing woman!!


Oh--I thought they were 'spiders'--lol
the quilt is coming right along--
glad you had a good day at work--
enjoy the moments, di

KaHolly said...

Looking great! But your work always does! Sounds like life is good in your little corner of the world! Hope it continues!

Lynn Dykstra said...

I remember a day when all five of my hospice patients were younger than me. Our son was just 7 at the time. I came home and bought more life insurance.

Rose Marie said...

I love this new quilt .... it is so you!

Mystery quilt and more

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