Monday, July 31, 2017

Utterly Spoiled...such fun!

 I am the recipient of some birthday gifts, a little early!  My friend Lyn, from Australia, MADE this baby doll!  Isn't she cute?  She is a nurse, with a little nursing cap perched on her darling head!  It looks so professionally made...and so dear to me.  What a darling baby doll!!
 Lyn also made a Poodle quilt!!  It is made from the most darling poodle fabrics, and if you zoom in, you can see them.  Precious!
 And there is even more!  A whole box of such fun things...thank you, Lyn, thank you!

Please see her blog here:

 My friend Tricia sent some really fun patterns from magazines. Love them!! Especially the Prickly Pear is right up my alley.   Thank you so much, Tricia!  Please see her website here:

 I ordered a pattern for the Timeless Traditions pattern, Sweet and Simple.  It is a lovely applique quilt.  I received two books, though!!  So I will check and see what I was charged for, and return one if I did not get charged for it...such a fun pattern.
And this little block has an inner border, and of course, I am stuck on the outer border. Seems like a repeat of the border dilemma I usually have, LOL!!

Have a great day, everyone!!



Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,doesnt Lyn put together the most amazing parcels,love everything she made you,hope you have a wonderful birthday xx

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

What great gifts! I have a friend who makes Raggedy Anne dolls, and they take lots of time and work to make. Special gift. Enjoy all of them.

Janet O. said...

Such delightful surprises for your birthday, Julie!
Kind people attract kindness, you know.
Don't know exactly when this birthday is coming, but hope it is a lovely one!

Loris said...

It's always nice to start celebrating early :-) Hope the fun continues! Have a grand year! Happy Birthday!
The gifts are wonderful! I love that Prickly Pear pattern too. It really does look like it is your style. Have fun with it!


Love that dolly--how cute and huggable!! the rest of the gifts are lovely too--
and now new patterns--lots of work there to keep one busy--have fun-
enjoy the moments,di

Chantal said...

That doll IS precious. She is the cutest nurse doll ever made. Lyn has great talents. I was reading on and then stopped. What's a poodle quilt? I looked back at the picture and couldn't figure out what's a poodle quilt! Then I continued to read and literally laughed out loud. Too cute! Enjoy your birthday my dear and all the surprises and hugs that come with it. ♥ ;^)

jude's page said...

Fantastic gifts, and do hope you have a great birthday, whenever it is.

Leeanne said...

Woowhooo another birthday! I hope it was received some wonderful loot and some all the way from Aussie!

Binsa said...

Hello my precious friend glad your parcel arrived safe and sound a little early I know hugs lyn

Kyle said...

What special packages, nurses, poodles, and prickly pears, to celebrate your special day. Sending you happy birthday wishes.

Lori said...

Receiving quilty mail is fun! The little doll is adorable.
Happy birthday!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...