Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Emptying those bins!

 The nine patch bin that I emptied (that I spoke of last post), had this many blocks in it, when I sewed them today.
 All 1930's fabrics and solids.  I am going to dream about the solution of setting them together in some kind of fun manner.  Pretty colors!!  Not at all as scrappy as I am enjoying lately, but I remember loving these fabrics so much, a decade ago!!!
I would like to offer this little quilt top to any one who would like to finish it to keep, or for charity.  It also is made of 1930's fabrics, except the juvenile print border.  If you would like it, just speak up!!  If there is more than one person, I will hold a drawing tomorrow. 

I hope you have a super day today!!!



Binsa said...

Hello Julie I would love the little quilt for the children's ward at the Geelong hospital where I live and happy to pay for the postage hugs lyn

KaHolly said...

Bust those scraps!

Little Penpen said...

I love those nine patch fabrics!

Janet O. said...

You are just churning out the finishes, Julie! I am standing back and watching in awe!
Will watch with interest to see what you end up doing with your 9-patch blocks.
Looks like someone has a good home for the small quilt top.

Quilting Babcia said...

I'd love to take that little quilt top off your hands and quilt it for our quilt ministry! You are so generous to offer it up. Your little nine-patches will make a wonderful quilt for some lucky little one!

Carol said...

How generous of you! I'd love to quilt this top to donate to a medical mission I support.

Vic in NH said...

Great sets of nine patches! And I loved seeing your Starry Night finish, too!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...