Monday, July 17, 2017

Emptying those bins and making progress!

 I finished binding this I am happy!  It is quite large, and I called it when I made it "Starry, starry night." I am so glad it is finished and able to be used now! 
 I think this pattern would be fun in Christmas fabrics.  These are charm squares...well, not really, because a lot of them are repeated, but at the time, they were all the blues I owned!
 I finished hand quilting this wall hanging, and just have the binding to hand stitch.
 The same goes on this heart quilt.  Hand quilted and just waiting for the binding to be attached.
 I am working on this one...still some hand quilting to be finished, and the binding.  So I am in the same place on a lot of these little quilts!
 I have a lot of projects started, (surprise, surprise!!) and this one is from 2006.  At least I think it is, because the fabric selvages say "2006".  I thought to make nine patches, I guess, and had all the strips cut.
This morning, I sewed the strips together and sub cut the nine patch pieces.  So they are ready to sew.

And a nearly empty bin!  Hurrah!!

Now this is all inspired by Sharon, of Grass Roots Quilting.  She is a wonderful quilter, and she posted about her "bag quilt".  You know what I mean...those projects cut out and put in a bag or a bin, for someday!  She unknowingly encouraged me to get out one of those bins and get it emptied...please see her lovely project, from her bag!  So thank you, Sharon!

See her blog HERE.

Hope each of you is having a wonderful Monday!!



KaHolly said...

You've had a lot of lovely finishes! That quilt is gorgeous and would look no matter what color a maker chose!

Tired Teacher said...

The blue with stars is stunning, and the minis are simply adorable. Well done on finding the bottom of the bin. Another flimsy will soon be ready to quilt.

Libby in TN said...

So proud of you, Julie! All are beautiful projects and worthy of completion. I often (well, maybe sometimes) feel inspired to pull a box off the shelf; it feels so good to finish it off.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I just inherited someone elses bag quilt, but, the pattern wasn't with the blocks and pieces. Not sure what I'll do with it.


Ouch--what pretty projects you are finishing up---love that blue star one--and also like the smaller quilt pieces--nice work--
and how nice to empty a bin with a long forgotten project--good for you!
enjoy the moments, di

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

WOW! You go girl. Where did you find all that finishing energy? The blue quilt with the stars is beautiful--

Kyle said...

I love Starry Starry Night. Those blues are brillant and the white stars just shine. You've done so well pulling out a bagged project and moving it along.

Rebecca in AK said...

Congratulations on your finished quilt. It always feels so good to get one done! Love your Starry, Starry Night and all your small quilts.

---"Love" said...

I can't seem to get to the point of 'starting', much less 'finishing'. I do love your Starry Starry Night quilt! The other smaller ones are really cute too. ---"Love"

Leeanne said...

More magnificent quilts! And you are cleaning out those boxes! Off to have a peek at Sharon's blog.............................

Sharon said...

awesome!!! I'm prepping the last two blocks of a sampler quilt that I will take with me end of August on a trip. I took out another box today, sorted it, confirmed what I was doing with it and wrote down my plan. Then packed the box away for a sew day coming up. I'm on a mission, and now, so are you!

Sharon said...

oh, and I got the binding sewn on the batik piece last night at dinner, (yes, I packed it along to a family dinner)and promptly gifted it to my niece and her baby before I left to come home. She cried! haha

loulee said...

Yum!! Love the blue stars.

Nancy said...

Your Morning Star is beautiful. It's so very blue! I had been wondering how a one-color quilt (but not a blue one) in this pattern would look and now I know: wonderful! I love the little watering can with the flowers and the little blue quilt. You are so very prolific, Julie!

ThreadCatcher said...

Starry, Starry Night is wonderful! I would like to make one like it. Is there a pattern or did you just wing it? Great finish. Off to check out Sharon's blog.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Ah-- nothing as fulfilling as the sight of the bottom of an empty bin. Good for you!! You're on a roll and are inspiring others to dig out and finish what's already begun. Your Starry, Starry Night quilt is gorgeous, so serene and comforting with all those lovely blues gathered together.

Little Penpen said...

Starry starry night is beautiful! You have lots of pretty finishes. Do you quilt your own quilts?

Loris said...

I love blue quilts :-) Starry, Starry Night is beautiful. The quilting choice is perfect for it. This will be enjoyed!
Your other projects are coming along beautifully. I love the applique.
and I checked out Sharon's bag post. I have one of those bins that I just figured out a plan for the other day. It is always satisfying to clear out those bins! Using what we have!

Ranch Wife said...

Three cheers for empty bins! That's always cause for celebration, as are your pretty finishes! Your progress is inspiring. Love your Starry, Starry Night quilt. I have that pattern too and it's working it's way closer to the top of my list. Debating on using Christmas or western fabrics. May have to make 2! :)

Chantal said...

You are an inspiration too. Love the mini quilts, all of them but the black and white wall hanging with the flowers is my favorite. Now, what's a quilter to do with an empty bin? Fill it up with more fabric!! Enjoy! ;^)

gayle said...

Well done, and look at you go! What a lot of pretties you have!

Binsa said...

Wow girl you are amazing

Janet O. said...

I am swooning over the Starry Night quilt! Oh, love a good blue/white quilt, and you can never go wrong with stars.
The wall hanging shines with that checkered border, and the little purple hearts are so sweet. Beautiful border fabric for them, too.
Love the one you are hand quilting now. What can I say? There isn't a dud in the bunch, Julie!! LOL
I had read Sharon's post--so why didn't a bunch of stuff get done at my house afterward? :)

Binsa said...

Julie I have come face and re read your post I love your starry starry night quilt when I finish some ufos it will be on my to do list

Barb said...

Great finish on your blue starry quilt!
wow you have lots of great things in the works.
nice little quilts too

AnnieO said...

Joy and happiness! I agree an empty bin causes both--especially when fabric is involved ❤️

Carole said...

Well, aren't you on a roll! Good for you! What a great feeling to get projects in completion mode! Thanks for sharing!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...