Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Making a WEE bit of progress!!

 Since the last bin I emptied had these blocks in it, and there were four of each block,
 I set the four nine patches of each fabric like this.  So?  I am now deciding on a sashing of some kind.  The yellow, I think, (I hope) makes the blocks a bit more cheery!!

Does anyone want these twenty blocks?  They are from another bin.  Just say the word, and I will have a drawing for these, too.  Lyn won the last quilt top, so it will be on it's way to her.

When I am at work, it is just crazy, and 14 hour days are the norm.  That is why you don't hear from me for awhile!!  But I am off today; so vacuumed, swept and mopped and laundry is in the works.  And a little quilting!

Hope you are having a great day!!!



Kyle said...

Sorry that you've been working so much. Love the blocks you have pulled from the bin. Yellow looks like a good choice for sashing.

Kyle said...

Sorry that you've been working so much. Love the blocks you have pulled from the bin. Yellow looks like a good choice for sashing.

Libby in TN said...

How about a green sashing for your 9Ps?

Quilting Babcia said...

I'd be happy to take those blocks off your hands! For our quilting ministry donation quilts.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful blocks from your bin Julie,hope you have a lovely day xx

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The yellow looks good with the 9 patches. I love those orange cream and white blocks! Very pretty! Please put my name in the hat for them.

AnnieO said...

And you spend precious time off on housecleaning??!!! Go sew, lady! Love the 9 patch project. I hop you get overtime!

Anonymous said...

Looking at the blocks, trying to remember where I saw the pattern. Would make a great comfort quilt. Dotti in CT

Karen said...

Looks to me like you made a lot of progress. How many hours a week do you work at your nursing job? You seem to set aside a nice amount of time for your enjoyment of sewing.

Loris said...

Hang in there with those long days. They can be brutal! You are a strong one!

Unknown said...

Love following your blog and see what you're working on. And I'd love to put my name on the list for those beautiful blocks too.

Mama Joan said...

Add my name for the blocks. I see a baby quilt in the making!

Briarose said...

are they still available? would love them to make a veteran's quilt.

Unknown said...

I would love those blocks!

Little Penpen said...

I'm amazed that you get so much sewing done with your long working hours. Imagine what you will do if you ever retire! LOL I love those scrappy nine patch blocks with the yellow centers. Gorgeous!

Elle said...

I'd love to have these beautiful blocks. I joined a charity quilt group this spring and bigger quilts are very much in need. Hard to get a ton of sewing down around my 50+ hour/week job. Thank you for consideration.

KaHolly said...

Lots of work going on at your house! Someone will make good use of those pretty blocks. In the meantime, your four patch quilt is looking wonderful!

Nancy said...

I can't believe how prolific you are, Julie. It's amazing and so fun to see what you're up to next. If those 20 blocks haven't found a home yet, I'd be interest in having them. The colors are beautiful.

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