Monday, July 10, 2017

"Releasing" fabric back to the stash!

 I finished stitching this primitive quilt, just a wall hanging size.  Hand quilted and hand applique.  The whole things was made from my imagination and some stems already cut to size.  I free hand cut the flowers.  Just a silly fun thing, LOL!!
 Here are the borders, and it is on the roll top desk for a while, so I can see it, as I zoom by doing house stuff.
 This is in my dining room!  My friend Lyn made this for me, and I just love it, and use it all the time. I decided it need to be up in here, as it is just perfect for the July holiday.  Thank you, Lyn!  Like that antique wall paper?  Old, old, old!!
What I meant by releasing fabric is just this:  When I first started quilting, I thought every piece of fabric needed a plan, and was bound and determined to kit everything up and go for it!  Well......years have gone by.  I really thought I would make a certain quilt...but... years have gone by!  I furthermore cut all the fabrics into strips!  What in the world was I thinking?  Anyway, I have salvaged what I could, and released the rest of the fabric back into the stash.  That feels good!!   It means an empty project container, and yahoo!  That is good!!

Back then, I cut all my patriotic fabric up into strips too.  Idiot child!!  I sure wish I had those fat quarters back...OH well...I will come up with a plan, LOL!

Have a great day, everyone!!


audrey said...

Your free cut flowers are so fun looking! LOVE them! I tend to pile a stack of fabrics together for specific quilts and then keep them in the little tote while working through the project. It's always enjoyable to release the leftover fabrics back into the stash when a project is done or when/if I determine it's never happening.

Vic in NH said...

Charming and whimsical! Congratulations on the finish!

Libby in TN said...

Love your little flower piece. I "released" quite a bit of fabric last year and it felt so good. I had forgotten how lovely some of those fabrics were. I was also surprised at how modern my taste had been 5-10 years ago! My theory was those fabrics were too pretty to stay in a box. If (and when) I decide to make that particular quilt, perhaps it will be on my shelf, but I can also find something that would work, even if I have to buy more (gasp).

belarmina said...

Julie es muy bonito tu edredón!!

cspoonquilt said...

Your free form project is wonderful. I think free form is the Most fun way to design and sew! It is so fun to finish a project and make a project basket empty!!!!

Kyle said...

Love your little improv flower garden. Super cute. My granddaughter sings the sone from Frozen, "Let it Go". It could be talking about fabric and quilt ideas.

---"Love" said...

Your little bouquet is very pretty. The patriotic wall hanging is really pretty too; quite a nice gift! I have a friend who also cuts up all her leftover fabrics into little 2,4,5" squares, totally organized, but I just can't make myself do it. Consequently, I have several tubs of fabrics in all kinds of shapes and sizes so I can have the largest piece possible when needed! I really don't know which is worse. ---"Love"

Leeanne said...

Setting fabric there's a new concept, it may NOT catch on! :-)

KaHolly said...

Now, aren't you clever!?! It's sweet, as is the wallhanging Lyn made you. I very seldom get into the cutting up and tidying up Fabric mood. I really should follow your lead. No wonder you make such gorgeous quilts!

Binsa said...

Hello my friend I loved the quilt I made for you thank you for showing where it hangs.I never thought of setting my fabrics free

Susan said...

Great job on the vase and flowers........ Isn't it fun to let the Muse have her way at times?

Wonderful friend to have given you such a lovely quilt....... It will enjoy many years in your home.

Good idea to release fabric into stash for further creations.

Janet O. said...

Fun, yes; silly, no! It is very fresh and happy looking. Love it, Julie!
Lyn made you a wonderful patriotic piece!
I never did fully buy into the idea of cutting my stash into strips. I made a feeble attempt, but I just don't often work with strips, so I didn't see the point. : )

Karen said...

Your imagination and the free hand cutting worked well!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...