Wednesday, September 25, 2013

 Thank you so much for all your comments and ideas!!I tried all the fabrics I have to try and make something work...and it didn't.  So...Kathy...your applique idea is on!!  I will applique vines in the plain panels.  Much more work than I had planned for, but hey...the quilt says "I want vines!".  Who am I to argue with a textile??
Another shot...

And then the border!

****************************Nurse's notes***********************

Well, I am trying something new at work.  We are getting cancelled or put on call (no pay) about one shift a week.  I just can't do that...I have worked full time since I was a young teen, and this just won't do! It is just eating through all my vacation time.  So...


A  new floor, a new idea, a new nursing concept.  NO crash cart, no monitor, no drips, no anything except loving care, pain meds, reflection of lives I will work there when they need me when I get cancelled on my floor.   I hope I do OK...



Libby said...

You wil be great in hospice care.

Donna Keating said...

Like the vine idea. It is perfect.

I think your in inclinations for caring and compassion are perfect for your change to hospice. Good luck.o

Kim said...

I applaud your efforts to shift to hospice care when you can, I'll bet you love it and they love you.
Let us know how the transition goes.

Will anything be growing on the vine between the geese?
It's going to be beautiful!

Happy Sewing

Janet O. said...

I think the vines are going to look wonderful between the rows of geese.
You will be so good in Hospice care. Your sensitivity to your patients will serve you well there!

Leeanne said...

Quilt looking great! See I can see some fab quilting going on in that 'space'!

audrey said...

Looking forward to seeing your vines.:)

jirons42 said...

I have had several wonderful experiences with friends and family utilizing hospice care. They are wonderful people and I'm sure you will fit right in. God bless you!

Patty H. said...

The vines will be beautiful on the quilt. I commend you for taking on this new venture in hospice. I've watched hospice nurses at the facility I work at and I am amazed at how they can do it day in and day out. It takes a special person to do that and I'm sure you are one of them.

AnnieO said...

I love the appliqué idea! I just posted a leaf without vines appliqué I saw at a local quilt show--check it out!

Your giant heart will be much appreciated in the hospice dept!

Michelle said...

I can tell already, that quilt is going to be gorgeous. Can't wait to see it. I can imagine hospice will be a tough, but amazingly heartfelt place to work. Good luck...I'm sure you'll be a blessing to others.

Nancy said...

Like the other commenters, I am confident that you will do well as a hospice nurse - connecting with the patients and their loved ones. God's blessings on this new direction.

The vine idea is an excellent one.

Angie said...

You will be a wonderful in the hospice unit---those patients will be so blessed to have your loving spirit tending to them. :) Your flying geese quilt is going to be sooooo gorgeous with applique, girly. :)

Joyce said...

Julie you will be superb!! I've always said that when I retire I want to volunteer for Hospice because of the love and compassion they showed to my FIL. You've motivated me into signing up!
Thanks for the little nudge!

Joyce said...

Julie you will be superb!! I've always said that when I retire I want to volunteer for Hospice because of the love and compassion they showed to my FIL. You've motivated me into signing up!
Thanks for the little nudge!

mkhquilts said...

Interested to know how hospice is for you! Curious mostly! Wondering if that is something I might consider later in my career.

Love the quilt!

Lois Arnold said...

Julie, with your loving spirit, that sounds like a perfect fit! You will be a blessing to those in Hospice, both other employees and the sweet patients!

P.S. Love the way the quilt is going and the vines will be perfect! See my Vines and stars posts. I love the scrappy leaves in that quilt and the last block got finished today! Yay! Now onto the setting together of blocks.

Jan said...

You will do great! Hospice will be glad to have such a loving person as yourself on their staff. I think the applique will finish the geese off nicely.

regan said...

Those flying geese are going to look amazing with an appliqued vine beside them! Awesome!

And Julie, I think you were meant to be a hospice nurse. You are so kind and loving, and your patients are so lucky to have you care for them.

When my mother passed in May, I saw first hand what amazing nursing is all about. These wonderful women that cared for her every need, were so gentle and kind, and knew just what she needed at every moment. On one visit, my sister said that Mom must have been hallucinating, because she thought she felt and heard fire, as though the room was on fire, and at her most panicked moment, one of the nurses came by the room, came up to Mom, and said into her ear in the most reassuring voice, "You are safe. There is no fire. You are safe and everything is good." My sister was in tears because it's exactly what she needed to hear, but my sister wasn't able to think of it.

These amazing nurses were doing that in a hundred different ways every day. So comforting and caring, and knowing just what to do.

The world is better place because of nurses like you.

Quilter Kathy said...

Bless your heart Julie. You will be perfect for hospice!
I know each patient will benefit from your loving care.
And I'm soo excited about the applique vine! I think I might even be willing to try one myself soon. I am building up my please give lots of tips as you go along!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I think you will do well in hospice.

Denise in PA said...

Julie, your patients in hospice will be lucky to have you as their nurse. You will be awesome!

Vic in NH said...

Wow, from crash cart to hospice sounds like a big transition. You will shine there because you are so very caring and kind.
I love what you're doing with the Goose vines quilt top, looks good!

ladydi said...

Hospice care is a wonderful thing, and you will be an awesome addition to the floor. Lucky them!
Love the flying geese, and being of the opinion that less is more, I'd leave the plain strips, and just do some simple quilting in them.

Unknown said...

I was a hospice nurse and now a Hospice volunteer and it was the best job I ever worked and hope you love it too...not the tension of the on floor nursing

Unknown said...

Absolutely some of the most rewarding nursing I have done in my career - I think you will come to love it and appreciate what you can do for your patients, Julie.

Unknown said...

....hospice nursing has been one of my all-time best nursing experiences, Julie - and after reading your blog so long, I believe you will come to treasure that aspect of your career and all the good nursing you can do in that arena. All the best!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...