Monday, September 30, 2013

Fragmentation of efforts!! But lots of fun!

 Here I am, on the applique vines...the "Goose Vines" quilt!  Thanks, Victoria for the name!!  Thanks, Kathy, for the idea!  And thank you so much, each one of you, for sharing your expertise and ideas with me, for my quilts...each of you is so much appreciated!!  Leaves in my world I guess...are not just green and brown...but all colors!!  It makes it more fun, I think...purple and pink leaves too, LOL!!  These are starched edged, turned under, and will be ready to applique when the vines are done...which they are not.  I am working on them at night, as dear husband watches the news.  I sit on the floor and applique!  And try to ignore the politics, and world strife, and dept ceiling news, and government shutdown stuff.  Seems like I hear so much of this stuff, and not enough good stuff!  How about you??
 All the vines are prepared and pinned into place.
 Rosie is OK with it...she likes it so far.  Whew!!
 You know I could not stay away from the sewing machine long, so I am making little string rectangles to go with the flying geese sashings I started a few posts ago.  I love this stuff!!  I use every little string I have, and love, love, love using them!!
 I got my pattern!!  This is one I saw on Pinterest, and tracked down the designer, and ordered the pattern.
Here is where I am so far.  Not exactly following the pattern, but just using little blocks that I had in the orphan bin.  I love it!  My blocks are 12 inches finished, and now I have the pattern for more ideas for the blocks.  Love it!!  I just really like that the designer used so many plaids, hers is just yummy!

Everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful day!!!



Janet O. said...

Those leafy vines really are the perfect touch between your strips of flying geese!
And more geese with string blocks. Clever, clever, my dear!!
Love that Navajo Code Talker quilts--yours and the original. What a wonderful use of leftover pieces.
Always a joy to see your creations, Julie!

KaHolly said...

It's unbelievable how much you accomplish!! Love each and every one of your projects.

Loris said...

These are looking fun!
Love your version of Norma's quilt. I lover her designs.

Michelle said...

Wow...Your Goose Vines quilt is going to be beautiful! Love it!

Rosa said...

Your leaves look spectacular with the geese.Love your design!!

Lesley said...

You are a quilter with a purpose! Love the way those leaves and vines add so much sparkle to the flying geese!

Lois Arnold said...

Julie, I LOVE the Goose Vines quilt! I agree leaves are not just green. You've seen my Vines and stars quilt top (well, the blocks and strips laid out, anyway) and the leaves are purple, pink, teal, yellow, orange, rust, beige, red and blue -- all scraps as are the stars. We are just scrap loving quilters, that's all!

Quilter Kathy said...

Love love love it!
ANd your new project is so interesting too.... so many wonderful quilts to make!

Karen said...

You are the String Queen!

Betsy said...

Julie I so love the vines. They are beautiful and really make the quilt pop!

Elyte said...

Always lovely work and great ideas to be found on your blog. Goose Vines is growing beautifully and love the new one.

Rose Marie said...

Yeah ... your Goose Vines is going to be gorgeous!

Kathleen said...

will my applique be better if I sit on the floor???? LOL, I love this quilt - good choices.

Leeanne said...

LOVE LOVE!!!! 'Goose Vines'!!

audrey said...

Your Goose Vines is looking incredible!

Helen in the UK said...

Your vines are looking great. (yes, I've given up on listening to the news ... too much doom and gloom).
The other two projects are brilliant too - you're so creative with scraps :)

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I agree with all the rest and would like to join the Goose Vines fan club! Well done, Julie. I, too, go to great lengths to avoid the just abaout all of the news... politics isn't good for anyone's health or well-being.

Dasha said...

Brilliant on all fronts. I must go dig out the orphans and see what I can make of them.....
You are an inspiration you know. I have actually finished quite a few of the UFOs I had cluttering the cupboard since you mentioned staying focussed. Will be working on another tomorrow. So thank you!

Barb said...

the vines look great on your FG strippy!

Me and My Stitches said...

The vines and colorful leave were a great choice. I don't know how in the world you get so much done!

Vicki W said...

The vine and leaves is a perfect addition to the quilt!

Annie said...

I absolutely love both of those quilts that you are working on.

Lori said...

You are so creative!! What terrific quilts!
I ignore the news too, just can't stand it.

Emma Watson said...

These quilts are looking fantatsic I will recommend that there are a lot of women boutique clothing available every where you should contact them for the presentation of your quilts.

Vic in NH said...

Both quilts are coming along terrific! I hadn't seen code talkers before and I love what you're doing with it!

Browndirtcottage said...

Wow...I like that Navajo Code Talker!!!

Geese, leaves and vines...Fabulous!!!!

Nicky said...

Loving all of these Julie! The new one is a great way to use up those wee orphans!

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Mystery quilt and more

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