Monday, September 16, 2013

An oldie!!

I was rummaging through my little storage closet, and found these.  Flying geese!  Big ones!  Cut out for at least a dozen years.  Their time has come!  I have about twice this many completed, and am does one set these together?  I guess a strippy set?  With what in between?

I just love to piece, it is a great relaxer for me.  How about you?  What is the most relaxing/fun thing about quilting for you??

Have a great day, everyone!!



Terry said...

They're wonderful! I like simple, so I would probably treat them like coin strips and make that type of a quilt out of them. Whatever you do I'm sure it will be fabulous! :0)

Vicki W said...

I agree I also find piecing very relaxing....... unless a deadline is involved!

Lois Arnold said...

I'm in love! I have wanted to do a flying geese quilt forever! Can't wait to see what you decide to do. Maybe strip pieced strips?

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I just love flying geese! What a find!

The most relaxing part is hand quilting, although I'm currently working on EPP-ing hexies for a GFG and I'm finding that to be very relaxing! I guess having a needle actually in my hand is most relaxing to me.

Gayle said...

I think it would look great to use a striped fabric for sashing between the rows - can't see what you choose.

Quilter Kathy said...

I love everything about quilting...especially finding treasures in my closet that can become a new project!

*kd. said...

What a great find!!! I totally look forward to what you pull together here. It's sure to be fabulous!!!

Janet O. said...

Great find! I like the look of having one row of geese flying North and the next one flying South--and just keep alternating. Just a thought.
I love piecing, and I am finding that when I get my rhythm on FMQ that can be very soothing, too. Never thought I would say that! : )

Nancy said...

Fantastic discovery! My closets don't contain such wonderful surprises.

Kim said...

I love all the parts of making a quilt, but I can spend a whole day just cutting zen and I find it is a real escape for me.

Oh wow you'll have fun making a plan for these geese.

Happy Sewing and peaceful piecing :0)

Dasha said...

Julie, How about this idea for your geese:
Bonnie Hunter posted the link to it on one of her posts today/yesterday (depending which country you are in!). I thought it looked great.

Nicky said...

What you find in your cupboards Julie ! I keep hoping to find Narnia but it hasn't happened yet.

I have a pinterest board of flying geese here

It might help!?

Ruth said...

I wish I would find some in my closet, but, I'm afraid that is impossible. I love FG but have never made a lot of them except for sawtooth star blocks.

Helen in the UK said...

I prefer the piecing and seeing the blocks come together on the design wall. Assembling the top when it gets large and basting are my least favourite bits. Can't wait to see what you choose for your geese :)

Michelle said...

Can't wait to see what you do with them...they're beautiful already. I find binding very relaxing...but all parts of quilting can be very rewarding and relaxing when I'm in that "zone." LOL

The Calico Cat said...

Depending on the look you want - just use a strip of fabric, a print that needs to be tamed (some of those large scale Kaffe Fassett prints are coming to mind right now) Something you love but can't bear to cut up, a toile, or something that you have enough of...


Scrappy Chinese coins!

regan said...

I love love love flying geese! These are going to be great in something. If you're looking for an idea for setting, the first quilt I show on this post has flying geese in strippy setting!

Can't wait to see what you do with them! :o)

regan said...

Also, I'm catching up on blog reading and tried to look at your previous post with Strings.....and it says it does not exist!?! Dang! I really want to read it! LOL

Has anyone else had this problem on that post?

Unknown said...

Lots of possibilities with this quilt! I could see narrow strips bordering the geese, with wider strips to separate everything - if that makes any sense. . . :-)

kelley said...

Flying Geese has always been a favorite...I like the strippy setting ...looking forward to seeing what you choose...

Lilac Joan said...

Just found your blog. I love,love, the stringing quilt. I had already been making the string blocks--now I know what to do with them. I would send you a picture of my flying geese quilt if I knew how!Lol

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