Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Scrappiest yet!

Well, all that scrappy just screamed for SOMETHING to pull those crazy blocks together into one cogent whole...or not...  So...I put a little black border around each block.  I think it makes it look like scrappy blocks with a black border...SNORT!!  Really, I like it...and I am making scrappy sashing with red cornerstones.

So, how is your scrappin' going?  How is your day?

I hope it is terrific!!



Kathleen said...

The black border is brilliant! Love it... Calms down the scrappy brightness.

Janet O. said...

*LOL* You are so funny!
I think it achieved your desired results--sort of stained glass-ish. : )

Nancy said...

You don't waste any time, do you?! I'm impressed with how quickly you've sewn this quilt, especially because I know stitching strings together is not necessarily a speedy process. The blocks are very fun!

Unknown said...

Eeep! Each peek looks better than the last.

Deanna said...

Whoops! I just left a comment as Sparkle Jane, but I am sure she feels the same.

WoolenSails said...

I love how those came out and the sashing you used, it is going to be a beautiful quilt.


Nancy said...

Love the black frames on the blocks. It makes each one pop and shine: good idea!

canuckquilter said...


TexasQuilter said...

You frequently mention that this will be patient bed size. What is that size?

Thanks for the help? I want to make quilts for a VA nursing home and was interested in bed size I should strive for.

Kim said...

Snort! You had me laughing out loud :0), the black is just the ticket....this going to be a beauty.
Scrappy is so much fun isn't it?

Happy Sewing

Grit said...

Wonderful with the black frames.
Looks really fantastic.

Nicky said...

Brilliant! You are making me think I should get back to my own basket quilt!

Leeanne said...

Oh.....Likey, likey, me likey!

KaHolly said...

Oh, bravo, they are perfect!!!

Louise SS said...

The black is perfect! It pulls everything together. Can't wait to see what you will come up with next...

Lesley said...

Those narrow black borders are perfect...they bring the quilt together. Great job! The blocks are gorgeous!

Louise SS said...

The black is perfect! It pulls everything together. Can't wait to see what you will come up with next...

Jenny Watson Blogs said...

I just want to say that these are looking so fabulous I am really happy because I am going to use these quilts into my In Villas Veritas

Shari said...

A beautiful scrappy quilt - love the black frames- really highlights the variety of colours.

AnnieO said...

Eyeliner! A little black around gives it glam :)

Shannon said...

HA HA your funny!! I love the black. It is a great touch. It really does contain the scrappiness!!

Helen in the UK said...

This is looking wonderful! The black looks like the perfect touch as you're going scrappy sashings. Can't wait to see it develop :)

Gayle said...

Yep, the black was a perfect choice. This quilt is really coming together!

Lindah said...

I'm lovin' these blocks. The little black frames really set them off. Are you planning for a tutorial, I hope?

*kd. said...

Oh yeah! I love it with the black. Great job.

Lori said...

Your scrappy quilts are awesome!! You keep coming up with fun different ways to use them!!

Loris said...

Looks perfect!
Still working on baby quilts here. The plaids are calling to me :-)

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...