Saturday, September 7, 2013

Just using up more little treasured scraps!

OK, well, I guess I am going for a subdued look for this quilt...NOT!!  I am making scrappy sashing out of crumbs.  Using up those little bits! It is prettier in person...really!!  This is a third of the quilt put together so far.

Have a scrappy day!!



Denise R said...

I love it!!! It make me want to drop everything and start my own.

Vicki W said...

This quits going to be so cool!

Kim said...

It is absolutely delightful! What a great idea for sashing ! Can't wait to see it done.

Nicely done!
Happy Sewing

WoolenSails said...

I love how that looks with the scraps.


Janet O. said...

What do you mean, prettier in person? It is plenty pretty by photo!! : )

Leeanne said...

Wow! Busy, busy!

Abeja costurera said...

I realy love to use the scraps!!! grat idea!.

Greetings from Chile!!


Grit said...

Looks so fantastic. Wonderful kind to use scraps.

Nicky said...

Love it and yes it is very subdued for you Julie! haha! Great to use up the bits - you seem to be able to work magic with those scraps!

Helen in the UK said...

Well it looks wonderful on the blog, so it if looks better in person it will be a show-stopper for sure :)

KaHolly said...

Prettier in person? It's pretty darned pretty in the picture!! I'm just loving it!

Dasha said...

Love it Julie! I have loved every photo you have taken so far. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

Ellen said...

Really cute! I am looking forward to seeing it finished.

Vic in NH said...

Sweet treatment of the blocks, and the scrappiness of those sashings is so delicious!

Karen said...

You must have the world's deepest scrap basket.

Loris said...

This is really becoming a work of art! My first response was that it reminded me of stained glass windows. Your design ideas are wonderful! Love it :-)

canuckquilter said...

Wow! I don't see how it could look any prettier in person. I love what I see in the picture!

Sharon said...

Those blocks are a cute as can be!

Leanne said...

You really are amazing

A Garden of Threads said...

One of my favourite blocks and scrappy is good.

Robert said...

Think your quilt looks good. Started saving more scraps for you to add to it.

Lori said...

Has anyone actually used the word subdued to describe your quilts? lol

Louise SS said...

Just Perfect!

Millie said...

I love it Julie. You are the scrappy queen.

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