Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday, and called in to the hospital!

 Well, you can tell what I am doing...trying to choose a border.  Rosie the poodle has rearranged the blocks several times to her liking, so they are a bit crooked...the artist poodle at work, you understand!I just picked out the biggest pieces of plaids I have, and auditioned them...
 This black piece really makes the blocks seem so much brighter!!  I think that is what I will go with.  Hopefully I have enough fabric.  Just wanted to shout out to Kathy...you will recognize some of your strings, (well, all of your strings) in this quilt...I used them all!!  Thank you!  Please click on her her name to see her wonderful blog!
 Another friend, Joan, is working on finished her Crab Apple quilt. Hers is perfectly pieced, flat, wonderful. Well, mine is to the flimsy stage...very flimsy!  I though if I just pulled a little bit on each sashing while piecing, it would make the sashing fit perfectly to the blocks..NOT!  It just served to make each block shaped like a bowl!  and set on point to boot...this poor, poor quilt just never had a fightin' chance!  I did learn from this mistake...really I did!  Click on Joan's name to see how the quilt SHOULD look!
And my heart is so full...I bought this quilt from the Alzheimer's initiative, and Lori of Humble Quilts was the maker.  It is so perfect, and so scrappy, and so fun...it just made me tear up when I saw it.  Lori is almost to $1000.00 in donation quilts.  Pretty cool, huh?  I hung it up so I could see it when I woke this morning.

**********************Nurse's notes**************************

The hospital just called, and needs help desperately.  I am going to go in and help them...4 big surgeries coming, and no nurses...yikes!  A coronary artery bypass, two big lung surgeries, and a complicated laser lead extraction...wonder what I will get??


See ya...on my way...Have a great day!



Janet O. said...

I think I'd go with the black border, too. Definitely throws a spotlight on the colors.
When I eventually make my Crabapple quilt I will try to remember the lesson you learned. : ) But when I look at the photo enlarged I think that isn't too much to quilt out with machine quilting. Do you think?
I think you got the brass ring with that little AAQI quilt (do people know what that saying means anymore?). But I am still very happy with the one I got (Dark Side).
The patients will be lucky to have you today!

regan said...

I love the black plaid you've chosen for that quilt! Perfect! And I agree with Janet.....I think your crabapple will quilt out quite nicely. Don't worry! And thanks for the link to Joan's blog.....mother of 8 and homeschools! Yikes! When does she find time to do all that great quilting!?! :o)

~Joan said...

Jules, your crabapple quilt doesn't look like bowls. Maybe the pic doesn't do it justice. Do you quilt your own quilts (there's the confusion of the quilty lingo again)? I think it will be fine.

The black plaid does make all those scraps sparkle.

Loris said...

Great choice for the border! This will be a sweet quilt. I love the Crabapple. I want to make one someday as well...I'll remember your tips of not trying to just pull it to the right size. That sounds just like what I would do :-)
Hope you patients do well. I sure miss those post op recoveries.

Nancy said...

Three hospitals in the State stopped accepting patients (other than emergencies) for nearly two weeks - not enough nurses. Nurses are the life blood of any hospital or practice. I wish more people realized that fact.

Love the dark border fabric and Rosie's input on your quilts.

Yvette said...

My poodles tend to rearrange my blocks when I am working too. I prefer the dark border too.

Missy Shay said...

I really like the black also, it makes your other colors just pop! My cats always help me rearrange my blocks also!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Love the black plaid too; and your Crab Apples, they look absolutely perfect from here! I hope your day didn't end up to be TOO stressful; your patients and their families are blessed to have such a caring and compassionate nurse as you!

Leeanne said...

You are a wonderful nurse, where would the world be without people like you.
Great flimsy's, I have seen Joan's , it is lovely, but so is your's.
Wishing you a chocolatey Easter!

Lori said...

My string AAQI suits you perfectly, doesn't it?! Thank you!
Somehow I don't think your crabapple quilt is as bad as you make it out to be.

Cindy said...

Ooh, love that plaid as well. And what an awesome buy from Humble Quilts

Quilter Kathy said...

You are welcome! My scraps are honoured to be in one of your wonderful quilts!
Hope all goes well at work.

Merilyn said...

I saw that little quilt on Lori's blog and noticed it was sold!!! It really is a precious little creation!!!!
I hope your surgical call-in went ok and that all went well!!!
I love the plaids you are using in the string quilt, I have so few plaids, have only just started collecting some.
The Crab Apple quilt isn't so bad, once it's quilted it'll look great!!!!!

MARCIE said...

You are such a good girl to rush into the hospital and help. Having just come out of the hospital i can tell you how grateful I am for good nurses!
Your quilts are wonderful! Setting blocks on point can be a problem, but "it will quilt out"! I adore that little quilt of Lori's. You got it first!

Nicky said...

Love the crab apples and what a great wee quit from Lori!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...