Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Honey Bee blocks

Well, this is one way to put these blocks together...I am undecided about how to proceed.  I do like the criss-cross affect. I have finished laundry, swept and mopped, cleaned mirrors, and vacuumed.  And worked on table runners!!  I am kind of at a loss for what to do next.  I have too many projects in the works and in my head...maybe I need to follow some of y'alls examples and write down all my UFO's and WISP's and PIG's.  Hee!!   Do  you ever run into this, this kind of block?  Not a shut down, but a restlessness when you can't decide where to focus?

I have a quilting day tomorrow!!  With nurse friends of old...yahoo!!  I plan to do hand quilting all day and eat, and chat and have a blast!!!

Hope you have a blast too, whatever you are doing!!!



Cindy said...

Oh my word, Julie, it's fabulous!!!!

Enjoy your day.

Kindred Quilts said...

I like the criss cross effect too! Enjoy your quilting time with your friends... I can't think of a better way to spend a day!

Potpourri said...

I think this is just stunning. I love the setting and the checkerboards.
Enjoy your quilting day with your pals.

Anonymous said...

Love it! Well done.

Leeanne said...

Sounds like you will have a lovely day tomorrow. I like what you have done with your honey bees, maybe when you get back from your day tomorrow you will have fresh eyes for the quilt top. Please tell me what a P.I.G is????

Melanie said...

Great piece.Love the layout.

Terry said...

It looks fabulous! :0)

Quilter Kathy said...

This sometimes happens to me when I'm stalled with a couple of projects and not loving where I'm headed. So my best advice is to start a new project of course! LOL

Kathleen said...

It's terrific!

regan said...

I'm really loving that criss-cross effect! And those extra squares on the 9-patch cornerstones are so great! Awesome effect! I totally know what you mean.....I get into restless funks, too, and can't figure out what to start on. But once I grab something, it usually gets my focus going. Hope you can get your focus soon, too! Have fun with your friends.....sounds like a good time!

Yvette said...

I love that!

Lists work! I would never share my PIGS, it's too embarrassing. LOL

Missy Shay said...

I have to make goals for myself or I never get anything done! LOL

KaHolly said...

It's looking wonderful! I've been wanting to make a bee block...even eyeballed the pattern again just today, and jotted down a few notes. Thought I'd just make one to start, to put into a sampler quilt I'm working on.

Pokey said...

Miss Julie, you do not make anything that I don't find myself "coveting" (forgive me Jesus!). You do such amazing projects, and yes, this one is included ~

Janet O. said...

What a wonderful sashing and cornerstone effect. Don't know if I ever seen that before. So striking!
There are always too many possibilities vying for attention, aren't there? : )

paulette said...

Gorgeous!!!! Absolutely stunning!!

Merilyn said...

The Honey Bee quilt top is looking quite amazing!!! Leave the design stew awhile in your mind, something will gel and you'll get inspired. Have a great sewing day with your nurse friends!!!

Unknown said...

I just LOVE the way you've set these honey bee blocks - you are so clever with your settings and honey bee is one of my favourite blocks - blatantly pinching this idea and storing it away for future reference - gorgeous!!!!!

Unknown said...

I just LOVE the way you've set these honey bee blocks - you are so clever with your settings and honey bee is one of my favourite blocks - blatantly pinching this idea and storing it away for future reference - gorgeous!!!!!

The Calico Cat said...

At a minimum, add a narrow border to finish those checkerboards.

Kyle said...

I'm also loving the honey bee layout. The criss cross effect is really striking. Go have fun with your friends and then projects will fall in order. Of course, you might come home with a few more ideas that will have to be added to your list!

Just Ducky said...

I love the criss-cross layout. Go for it.

Nancy said...

Enjoy your day with friends. Those times are precious.

Loris said...

I like the criss cross. That black and white really makes you take notice! Sophisticated honey bees :-)
Your quilting day sounds like great fun. Enjoy every minute!
I'm having fun here with some homespuns and wool :-)

Joyce said...

I LOVE your checkerboard sashing. It's perfect for this quilt. Again, I never would have thought of doing something like that. You have such great design ideas, you inspire all of us. Have fun with your quilting friends!

Jan said...

Love the Honeybee and the setting is perfect, imo.
Your quilting day will get you revved for the next project!

Rose said...

I am always running into these blocks...usually at three different places....what fabric to use for sashing, what fabric to us for backing...and HOW to quilt. Right now stuck on how to quilt a quilt.

Rose said...

I meant to say that I do love how you set this together!

Sherrill said...

I LOVE honeybee blocks and really like your sashing treatment..so pretty!!

jen said...

I really like the looks of what you did with the checkerboard in the sashing. That's really unique! Neat quilt, too.

AnnieO said...

Those are terrific in that arrangement, Julie! I just love strong diagonal settings, always.

Stymied by too many projects in the works is a constant problem around here too. I just try to concentrate on a level of about four projects at once and try to keep the other 20 from butting in and demanding my attention :)

Hope your sewing day is/was awesome!

Elyte said...

Love what you have done!

Lori said...

Unfocus? Yea, all the time! lol
Love your quilt!!

Karen said...

The touch of applique on the quilt blocks makes for lots of interest. I like!

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