Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another pic

 Just another string top...put the borders on today.

Must get going now!!  This is so pretty in person...sorry the pictures are so dark!!

Have a great day, all!



Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Ooooh and ahhhh! ;) Lovely!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Love, love, love that pretty aqua. Well done, Julie!!

ria vogelzang said...

WOW!!! Just L*O*V*E string-blocks!!!
Great quilt!
Love, Ria.

Lori said...

What do you mean "just" another string top! It's gorgeous!!

Mary said...

OOOOO, I love that string top!

How have you been? It's geen too long again! Waiting on some stuff to tune up my Featherweight! Will have her all tuned up so we can have a sewing date! I have a bunch of stings so maybe we can have a string party!

Lynn Dykstra said...

wonderful choices of setting fabrics

Janet O. said...

I think it is very pretty in photos, too! You are the string queen, Julie!

Loris said...

Wow! This may be a new favorite! Love that wide blue sashing :-)

Nancy said...

Another fabulous quilt!

Leeanne said...

Beautiful, I like the blue/teal sashings!

Joyce said...

WOW! I really like the narrow border on the blocks and the teal really makes the whole quilt pop. Can you see the secondary design that the strings form? (Of course you can, you probably did it that way). I love the dimensionality of this layout. Another winner from a very talented lady! Good Job! HUGS

Michele Bilyeu said...

I just shared a post on 'String Quilts' and all the how's and how to's. I need to share some of your fabulous examples. Love them, all!

Taryn said...

I like that setting you used!! I am working on a scrappy block and was planning on using a gray/blue fabric for sashing. But am going to audition an inner border now that I see how great yours looks. The scrappy outer border is great too!

Anonymous said...

I love the random look of this one

Mystery quilt and more

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