Monday, April 1, 2013

A very special giveaway

Good Monday to everyone!!  I am off work, and didn't even get a call to come!  A real day off!  I have been enjoying the above...the latest paperback from Jennifer Chiaverini!  Many of you enjoy her novels, and I do too. is your chance to receive one of these copies of her book, "The Giving Quilt".  Just leave me a comment, and I will ship anywhere in the world!

This one is a good one, as all Jennifer's books are.  This is near and dear subject to so many of us, as quilters, as giving people...about Project Linus and giving to others.  You will really enjoy this book, and I found it a fun and uplifting read.

"At Elm Creek Manor, the circle of quilters, is hard at work preparing for "Quiltsgiving."  Held annually the week after Thanksgiving, expert and novice quilters from near and far gather for a special winter session of quilt camp to make pieces for Project Linus.  As the week unfolds, the quilters respond to the question, "why do you give?"  in ways as varied as the life experiences that drew them to Elm Creek Manor. Each of the quilters, including a librarian, a teacher, a college student, and a quilt shop clerk  uses her unique talents to teach, inspire and give back to her fellow campers."

So there it is in a nutshell, folks...please leave a comment and one of these books and pins can be yours.  I will draw by random number on Friday, the 5th.

Have a great day, everyone!!

Julie K


KaHolly said...

I'll be first to say thanks for a great give-away, Julie!!

Anonymous said...


Jo C. said...

Thanks for a way cool giveaway!
Boppiesgirl at gmail dot com

Andrea said...

I have all her previous books and re-read them often. Will be ordering this one if I'm not lucky enough to win - thanks Julie xx

Sharon said...

I have just finished this one, and have one more to read and I'll be giving 3 of her books away. How fun to pass these good reads along.

Brenda said...

Thanks for a great give away. I would love to win the book and pin.

Amy said...

I would love to win the book. Many thanks for the opportunity. And then I'll share with my quilting bee!

Quilter Kathy said...

Woohoo! Would love to read this book!

Nancy said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this book.

Glad that you had a real day off - you deserve it!

Andee said...

Thanks for the chance..the pins are so cute!

sue said...

I would love to win this book. thank you for sharing.

Jane said...

Hope your day off was lovely! Thanks for the giveaway!

LesQuilts said...

I'm happy you were able to enjoy the day! Thanks for the giveaway, her books are great!
Take care, Leslie

barbara woods said...

i would love to win thanks

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I love to read and this book is right up my alley. LOL Thanks for the chance!

Jill said...

I hope you enjoyed your day off. The book sounds like another good one. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Jean said...

Would be interested in a book only. Our church made 60 fleece blankets for the Linus Project this Spring.

A Garden of Threads said...

Just these books and I have been waiting for the next one. Please put my name in the draw.

sandrarobben said...

Thank you for a really nice give-away! I would like to join in.

Linda said...

I love Jennifer's books, but have not read this one yet. Maybe I'll be one of your lucky winners.

Cindy Nielsen said...

I have enjoyed reading and listening to these books. This a great give away. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your plaid quilts. Cindy

regan said...

Sounds like a great story! Thanks for the chance! And I hope you enjoyed your day off! woot!

Anonymous said...

Count me in... thanks for the great giveaway.

scottylover said...

So glad you got a day off! Hope you did something you enjoy!

I love these books and would love to have this one to add to my collection!

Sandy A

Anonymous said...

Count me in please!

tpott said...

A few years ago, one of the women that works at our library (she knew I was a quilter) told me about Jennifer's book collection. I started with the 3rd book, I've read all but the latest, they're wonderful, so engrossing. I even got to meet Jennifer, when our LQS had her as a speaker when she put out her fabric line and "Sylvia's Wedding Quilt" book. Thank you for such a fun and quilty giveaway! ;-> Toni Anne

Deb said...

I really enjoy reading the Elm Creek Quilter books. Thank you for the giveaway.

Robert said...

Think my wife and I have read all her books, would love to get this one also. Thanks - from northern Iowa.

Bev R said...

Would love a chance at book. Currently reading an older book also by same author,the Unon Quilters.. Reading your blog almost makes me miss inpatient nursing. I have been a family NP for the last 16 years. Working outpatient clinic. Previous life was a pediatric nurse. Thanks for the chance to win

Christy said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Kathy MacKie said...

Count me in!

jofridsquilt said...

Great giveaway. Would love to vin. Hugs JOfrid

Leeanne said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I love Elm Creek novels.

hueisei said...

I love to win. Thanks for the chance :D

kt said...

I love her books! Thanks for the chance to win one!

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the opportunity to win this book. I would love read it as I loved reading others from Jennifer Chiaverini.
Hugs from France

Sarah said...

I would love to win! I have enjoyed all her other books. Thanks for the chance.

Ronda said...

thanks for the opportunity to win one of Jennifers books. I love her books they are so uplifting and of course all on my favorite subject!

ozone3 said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Rosa said...

Thanks for the chance !

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I love Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek books ... and would love this one, too, I'm sure. What an awesome give-away!

Denise in PA said...

Well, this IS a very special giveaway! I love JCs books and I've heard fabulous things about this one! Thanks so much for the chance to win o:)

kmcallister said...

I would love to win the book. Thursday is my birthday so that would be a nice unexpected present.

Anonymous said...

Niceeee! Thank you for the chance!

Gill said...

Can I join in from England????

Regina said...

Hi Julie,

Thanks for hosting this give away.

I am a big fan of Jenifer Chiaverini but haven't read this book yet. I would love to be one of the two winners.

Just Ducky said...

I love this author's stories and have not read this book. Would love to win it.

Dreamquilter Elke said...

I am from Germany and I say what a nice giveaway - thanks! Your quilts are very pretty - I like they all!

Mary said...

That sounds like a great book. I've only read one of her other books and really loved it. Thanks for sharing!

Sheila said...

Thanks for a chance to win this book , I love her books .

Vivian said...

Thanks for such a nice giveaway, Julie. The Elm Creek novels are some of my favorites, and I haven't read this one yet.

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, thankyou for your giveaway...I love Jennifers books and have not purchased this one...Hugs, Lyn

Deanna said...

I'm an Elm Creek fan. Thanks for the chance.

Nancy said...

You're so generous, Julie. Thank you.

Miranda said...

Love you're newest little one! How cool is it to have such old quiltfabrics from 20 it... and thanks for the change to win this lovely Elm creek book. Take care.

Anonymous said...

A few years one of my quilting friends was on the same cruise as Jennifer. Since then I have loved reading or listening to her books. The Aloha Quilt inspired me to go see Queen Lili'uokalani's quilt at the Iolani Palace the next time I visited Oahu. It was gorgeous!
Thanks for having this giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Julie, what a fun give-away!! I have only read one of the Elm Creek books and thoroughly enjoyed it & would love to win this book & pin :))) cheers...Marian

Quiltpecan/Angela said...

Good luck everyone. Thanks for giveaway.

Julie said...

Thanks for a great giveaway. Love all of her books.

June said...

I have enjoyed most of Jennifer Chiaverini's books, but don't have this one. The pins are lovely too. Thanks for the give away!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book.


Nancy-Rose said...

I love Elm Creek books! I've read them all! Thank you for the opportunity to enter the draw.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...