Monday, March 18, 2013

Hand quilting, and spring!

 Happy Monday to everyone!  I have not been at the sewing machine for a while...I am in acute withdrawal! We took a road trip, and that is my time to hand quilt while dear husband is driving.  I have quilted around all the center blocks, and now am working on the border.  You really can't see the quilting, but when the quilt is completed, and washed, it will show up more.  Right now the quilt is covered with strings and threads, which I will cut all at once, when the quilting is all done.
 I found some twigs, and a pretty rock, and added some eyes...too much time on my hands (not)!    I do love nature at this time of year...Spring is here!  Flowers are blooming, all the trees have tiny green leaves, and the temperature outside is just perfect.
 The first iris are blooming.
And another peeped out today!!

I played in the dirt, and planted my tomato plants, peppers, and some annual flowers...I love getting dirt under my nails!  Do you like gardening too??

Have a great day, all!!



Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

You never disappoint...gorgeous quilt!! :)

KaHolly said...

Another beauty, Julie!! Traveling is a great opportunity to get some handwork accomplished. Where I live during the summer months, the roads are country bumpy, so all I can do is knit or sew on my hexies. But I always have one or the other along with me! Can't wait to see it finished! ~karen

Yvette said...

I love it!

Janet O. said...

I didn't remember that you were going to hand quilt this one. That will be a treasure. Are you keeping it?
I do garden, but my iris are just barely peeping through the ground, and the tomatoes and peppers won't go in for two more months, unless I want to have to replant after the last of our hard frosts sometime in May.

regan said...

I love to garden, too! But will be waiting for a while....we are expecting 9-12 inches of snow tomorrow! Ugh!

Terry said...

Your iris are beautiful! I can't wait for mine to bloom, but it's going to be a while yet.

Nancy said...

Bearded iris and purple lilacs are my favorite flowers, but neither will appear here for another two months. Thus, I'll enjoy your photos.

Lori said...

I love gardening but it is too early to do much of anything here yet:(
Love your quilt! Hand quilting will be perfect.

Nancy said...

When you take a quilt in the car to work on it, are you not concerned about it getting dirty? Do you use a hoop and if so, how do you get the quilt flat to change the placement of the hoop? I've taken a baby quilt in the car but not a big one. Wasn't sure I could manage it.

The quilt is gorgeous!

Leeanne said...

I have the same Iris!!!! We still have a hot humid dry summer here in NZ!!!
I like the nature face & of course the quilt!

Karen said...

I like the scattering of hearts in the blocks.

Libby said...

Hurrah for gardening time. I'm getting mine started next week *woo hoo*

Cindy said...

Interesting - I tried to just click on your blog to comment via the Post Title but Bloglovin wouldn't allow me to comment.

However when I clicked on your actual BLOG NAME I could directly to comments and say something.

Hmmm....I'll have to tell others this since some are emailing me that they cannot comment via Bloglovin.

Now I know...

Merilyn said...

This looks to be a very cosy quilt, I like the loft of the quilt so far, and once washed and a bit crinkly it will be even better!!!! Don't you get car sick when quilting in the car? I would, I do LOL! if I take my eyes off the road......

Mary said...

I love the Honey Bee Blocks! It came out so awesome! I'm still working on Sister's Choice. It's out of the scraps some kind person gave me...HeeHee! I'll be posting pics soon. It's so colorful that Addi has claimed it for herself. "Can this be for me Nana?" Addi wants a sewing machine and wants to sew too. A little young though at 4. Maybe in a couple of years. She's so quick, I'm afraid she'd stitch her fingers even with me right there!

Hey, the antique feet are at work with Alicia. She said she'd put them in her locker for you. I was at HH the other night. Had some wonderful patients and a very busy, productive night. See ya!

Randy D. said...

Julie, I love how that quilt turned out. I'm very impressed that you are hand quilting it!!!

Angie said...

WOW I can't believe you already for Irises blooming! Your quilt is gorgeous. Happy Spring, girly. :)

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...