Thursday, September 27, 2012

Working on it!

Good day!  It is a good day, you know, for I am sewing today!  As many of you know, I am a heart nurse, working in CVICU.  I am kind of fixated on hearts!  I have made dozens of heart quilts...lots and lots.  Above is the latest muse, a plaid heart quilt.  I am working on the applique now, and loving it!
 These are a ton of little hearts, backed with steam-a-seam, that I cut out and can add to projects as the whim descends.
 A little Log cabin!  I started these blocks a while back, and love the red running through them.  So I thought it was the coolest thing ever when Lori of Humble Quilts started a quilt along, with a very cool old quilt as her inspiration! Please go and see it...a very neat variation on the log cabin!! So...I have to do that one too!  Please click can start it too, as Lori is at the very beginning of her quilt along!!
 Barrister's blocks...trying to keep up, and I think I actually might be caught up, LOL!!  Love this square in a square!
 And this fun block too!  Nor perfect, but fine as frog's hair for me!
And speaking of frogs...this picture was actually taken at night.  Horrible quality, but this little friend sits in the same place, on the corner, under the street light, eating mosquitoes and buggies.  He is our good friend, and my dog and I greet him every night when we take our last walk around 10 PM.  He seems to be unafraid...

**********************Nurse's Notes*****************

A darling patient, with a recurrence of lung cancer was my patient this week.  So very nice...just a real gentleman of bygone years.  A Korean War vet.  Married for 57 years, with his wife right there with him after his surgery.  He complained of being constantly I brought him a string quilt.  I wish I could make for every surgery patient we get...but maybe if I could make one a month, that would be more realistic...I will try!!!


Have a great day, all!!



Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

I like your fun projects...I like hearts too...great idea to have a bunch all ready. The log cabin quilt along is tempting. I am starting to get back to quilting again. So nice for your patient to have a quilt....your kindness is special!

Nancy said...

You warmed more than that gentleman's body: God bless you.

All of your projects are wonderful and look forward to seeing future posts as they progress.

Loris said...

Love your plaid hearts and Barrister's blocks. You keep going like the energizer bunny!
Your frog friend sounds like he's found a great corner :-)

Missy Shay said...

I love the plaid! I was looking at the material my grandmother made in a hexie quilt and she used a lot of plaids, and I really love them!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I love, love, love log cabin quilts. Perhaps I'll have to join in on that one ... especially since I'm hoping to get a new (and better) sewing machine in the next week to ten days.

I also love your plaid hearts ... and your heart, too. What a sweet thing to do for that patient.

Angie said...

I love seeing what you're working on. You are such a beautiful 'heart', you know. :)

Sue SA said...

Your dedication to your patients is very special and a large part of why I follow your blog. I love your quilts too! Definately tempted to make a log cabin now I have seen two versions!

Lois Arnold said...

Julie, you are just amazing! Wonderful projects and your dedication to your patients is so inspring!

Leeanne said...

Loving the plaid hearts! Oh what a great idea, a quilt warms people in so many ways.

Janet O. said...

You plaid heart quilt is so cute!
How interesting that you already had a quilt so much like Lori's little QAL.
Your Barrister's blocks turned out fine. What is wrong with me. I checked my measurements and they were fine, but my blocks are off.
How good of you to give that gentleman a quilt. Nurses are the best. I loved each of my nurses during my 2 day stint in the hospital last week. It made me think of you. : )

Mary said...

Ah, my most favorite quilting nurse! Hey Jules! Love the quilting as always! Touched by your compassionate nursing, as always. Wish I was as good hearted as you!

Been busy making dogbone neck pillows. Made one for Bryan at work, a thankyou for all the times he's fixed my neck and now my thumb. Grandkids seen it, and so I had to make both of them one. Now I have 2 nights off to play once again! Just got through oiling up Ms. Betsy, and going to do some peicing on her. I'm going peice some blocks for Grandmother's Choice quilt along. It'll be my first! Hugs!

A Garden of Threads said...

Neat idea to have hearts all ready to add anywhere you want. Someday I will make a log cabin quilt:) Yours is beautiful.

Quilter Kathy said...

I have been saying that I am not starting the quilt along, but of course I am! Lovely new hearts project!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Bless your heart! Your projects are lovely, and inspiring, as always!

Lori said...

You are such a special woman!! I'm sure your patient was touched with the quilt.
Of course, I love all your projects. Especially that log cabin variation! lol

Michele Bilyeu said...

I have major heart issues, too! Heck, you steal mine anything you make anything with a heart on it. I's barely started and I could just wrap myself up in it, right now! Also, such fun, fun, fun, things going on here, woman!

Linda O said...

What a special blessing for your patient! You are a true treasure. Your latest heart quilt looks wonderful, as do your Barrister's blocks, and I love your log cabin version..great, I may have to try yours along with the quilt along!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...