Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Three bobbin border!

Hi everyone!  Just auditioning a little black border, as suggested...

and then!   I sewed and sewed and sewed...enough to consume three bobbins worth of thread!!  6.5 inch strips, randomly sewn together, for a border.    I just put it up against the quilt to see what it would look like...what do you think?  It adds a lot of weight to the quilt...heaviness, somehow. 
I really didn't mind taking the time to sew all these strips together, because I will use this border on some quilt, sometime, if not this one...or maybe a couple quilts!  It is really long!!!  and prettier in person than in the picture...

Y'all have a wonderful day!!



Jan said...

I really like that little black border! Do you feel good having a piano border done and ready to use where ever you want to?

Jan said...
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Loris said...

Hmmmm...I like the strip border a lot. Wonder what it would look like with both....a narrow black border and then the strip border. You look like you are having fun :-) I love the designs you come up with!

9patchnurse said...

Oooo I love it! I really struggle with borders and I like what you did. I may try it some time.

Viki said...

i love the scrappy stripey border, then maybe a black binding?

Yvette said...

I am not going to tell you which one I like best because I can't decide. LOL! They are both great!

Leeanne said...

LOVE!!! What about a small peeper of black THEN the strippy border, then black binding??

Unknown said...

Haven't stopped to see you in a long time but did the other night and saw this quilt. Love it, How about the piano keys of the scraps then the black. I see someone said black binding and that would be good also. Good Lunk

Sue SA said...

Why not the black border then the piano keys? Opps just realised I am not alone in that thought! Happy quilting.

Sharon said...

I agree with all the above, try a 1/2" black stop border and then the strip pieced border. I was going to suggest the strip pieced on its own but I saw you already had 45+ comments on that post. Post a pic of this, we are never short of comments here in blogland. ;-)

~Joan said...

I knew we were twins separated at birth! I was explaining to my sister that I sewed a lot and described it as a "3-bobbin day". Although she sews, she had no idea what I meant!

Some people like heavier quilts. I like the idea of the black border THEN the strings. Did you use a foundation for the strings?

Pokey said...

I like the black, so I'm chiming in on maybe both, too. Your work is always so fun ~

Missy Shay said...

I love it, if it was me, I would use the striped border with a black binding!

Kyle said...

3 bobbins worth of sewing? Wow! That's a lot of work. I like the idea of using both the pieced border and the black.

Mrs. Sew and Sew - Karen said...

When I first saw it today I thought small black border then the piano keys! Hmmmmm, then I read the other comments. Whichever way you go it is a beauty!

Jeanne said...

I like the black border, too. My second choice would be a black border and then the piano keys border. Whatever you choose, I'm sure I"ll love it.

Janet O. said...

I am a "calm border" person with busy quilts, so I would go with black, but if you use the strippy one I think a narrow strip of black first would be a good approach.

mkhquilts said...

Several people suggested using a narrower black border and then the piano key border. I think thats a great suggestion! It would compliment both the black corner stones and the scrappy strings and applique. Whatever you do-Great Quilt!!!

Anonymous said...

I think both...been reading comments here and agree,

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Black inner border, then the strip-pieced outer border and black binding. It's lovely, Julie!!

Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

I would use a narrow black border (one inch) and then the strip border... followed by a black binding. It's gonna be a gorgeous quilt no matter how you do it!

Debi said...

I also agree with a small black inner border, then go with the pieced strip.

Jo said...

I love the piano key scrappy...then a black binding. The other is too much black imho. Love the quilt bu then I always love what you're up to :)

Susan R. said...

Between the two options you have pictures of, I would definetly choose the string border and maybe a very narrow black binding. I have trouble seeing things in my mind so am not sure how I would like the black inner border so many sugggested. Whatever way you decide, it is a very pretty quilt.

Nicky said...

Oh I'm not saying - leaving it to you Julie! You are bound to make the best choice!

Lori said...

You're a sewing whiz!!! MNSHO- sometimes less is more....

Kaaren said...

What about the piano keys border after the black inner border followed by a black binding? Do you think that would work?

Just Ducky said...

Your border strips would make a Chinese coins quilt.

Lois Arnold said...

Julie, several people have already said the narrow black and then the piano key border. I agree. I think the quilt needs the resting place between the two, but whatever you choose, I know it will be spectacular!

Joyce said...

Just love the piano key outer border. I also would put the black one on first. I just love the work you do!

Joyce said...

Forgot to tell you that I LOVE the mitered corners on the piano key borders!
Joyce in AZ

Mary said...

Put the black border, then the string border. Perfection! Maybe make the string border narrower, like by half?

OOOOOO, got my Featheweight!!! It sews like a dream! Loves her! I also finished my little Twister Christmas Tree wall hanging. I took it to work, but alas, you weren't there...sigh! Guess I'll just have to blog about it, and you can see it there!

Anonymous said...

Love the black border.

McIrish Annie said...

black is the way to go. save the piano keys for another awesum quilt!

Randy D. said...

I really like the black border best!~ Great looking string quilt.

CindyC said...

I like both of the borders, but you need the black to provide a break before the scrappy, busy border.

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