Friday, September 14, 2012

Catching up!

 Barrister's blocks!!  Hope you are doing these...they are great fun, and just six inches when done.  Lots of little pieces for small blocks, but easy sewing.
And Barbara Brackman's new block of the week!  I really, really did not like the second I made this star instead!  A bit wild, but hey, I like it, and that is A-OK, right??

Hope you have some time to sew this week!!  Thank you so much for your opinion on the last post...your opinions are so important to me, I really appreciate your time and thoughtfulness!!

Have a great day,



Kim said...

Oh nice colors in these blocks.......I'm behind again. Feels good to catch up doesn't it?

Happy sewing

Quilter Kathy said...

It's your quilt, so you can do whatever makes you happy with your your choices!

Yvette said...

I think it is great that you changed this weeks block. I wish I had thought of that. LOL

Randy D. said...

Julie, I'm so impressed with your blocks! They look great. And I'm doing Barbara Brackman's block a week as well and didn't do last week's. I like what you did instead! Are you doing her color way? I did something different...just can't remember since it's been 2 weeks already!!

Leeanne said...

Some good catching up going on here! I was very tempted to do Barbara's weekly quilt along, but decided not to, too many other "to-do's"

Janet O. said...

Great blocks, Julie. I like to change them up when I feel like it, too. I am doing Randy's, but not Barbara's. Gotta draw the line somewhere. : )

KaHolly said...

Gorgeous!! Have too many projects going and had to pass on this one. But did start the Row-along! Have a great weekend!

stephanie @ Luckystarquilts said...

Hey it was just one block and it really wasn't that bad. Mine came out nicely and I only re-stitched one seam. I'm glad I tried it.

stephanie @ Luckystarquilts said...

P.s. love your plaid quilt from Evelyn's book!! Great job!

Nicky said...

Love the Barrister's blocks - must look them up!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...