Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Working a big stretch again!

 Well, those strings just keep calling to me!!  I had a lot of petals left over from my latest string quilt, so I made a little flower power petal play quilt!  I really love is great fun to play with these littlest of pieces that lots of people throw in the garbage.  Fun!!
 This pillow has seen its better days...and I am tossing it out.  I did want to take a picture, so I remember it and the fabrics from a long time ago.
 Rosie says, "don't toss it, Mom...put it in my doggie house!"  OK dear...I will do that!  I love this little girlie dog, by the way...she is just wonderful!
 The binding and quilting is all done on this little strings quilt...I have big holes in my fingers from quilting with a tiny, tiny needle.  Healing quickly, though!
And the biggest thing...I finished prepping all the sashing pieces for the quilt in my last post!  This was what consumed most of my quilting/sewing and any free time this week!!!

*************************Nurse's Notes***************************

\Sadly, the escapee?  The 89 year old lady who insisted on going home from the hospital?  Ended up back in the hospital within a week and will be going to a nursing home....I am so sad about that!!!


Have a great week, all!!



Joyce said...

Julie, I love, love your little quilt. It is so happy looking.
Joyce at the Buck Hut in AZ

Sharon said...

Love all the applique you have been doing. At least the lady had one more week on her terms!

Quilter Kathy said...

Rosie is happy she is getting a new pillow!
Great flower power quilt!

Kim said...

Ahhhhh but she had a week away from the hospital........probably her last.

Looks like some lovely work happening in your sewing room! I'd love to see a close up shot of the hand quilting on that little string gem...adorable :0).

Happy Sewing

Janet O. said...

What fun you had with that little flower power quilt. And I absolutely love the mini string quilt! The dotted sashing is perfect.
Congrats on getting all of that sashing appliqued. That's gotta feel good. : )
My Grandma resisted a rest home as long as she could--and then she loved it!

Leeanne said...

I'm thinking of that sweet 89 year old, I think she has a fabulous spirit.
Loving your wee doggy & your lovely string projects.

KaHolly said...

As always, am just loving your creations!!

Angie said...

Your little applique quilt is just darling, Julie!! Applique is my favorite---and all of these quilts call to me. :) Rosie is just precious and deserves a 'new' pillow to fluff her nest. :)

MARCIE said...

Oh Julie, you just keep stringing us along! Your projects are wonderful! All those cute little pieced petals and leaves!

Nancy said...

Your little quilt is darling as are the prepared sashing strips.

I agree with Sharon, that it was important for the lady to have one more week in her own home and time to say "good-bye" to that phase of her life. God Bless her.

Lois Arnold said...

Love the little flower power quilt! Yep, when we hand quilt that bottom hand takes a beating!

Browndirtcottage said...

Great little quilt you have there....and oh my, I wish I had that stack of prepared sashing and you had a feather...HA!
Your new string quilt is going to be a delight!!!

Jeanne said...

Love your fancy strings! And your mini quilt is adorable. Someone has been working!

A Garden of Threads said...

Hi Julie, Love the sashing for the quilt, has my favourite, flowers and leaves. Hope Rosie likes her new pillow. Sorry it has been so long since my last visit. Take care, Jen.

Helen in the UK said...

All that applique prepped - good job! At least your lady had one more week in her own home, hopefully she will settle in a nursing home and continue to enjoy life while she can :)

Mystery quilt and more

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