Wednesday, September 19, 2012


 Hi Everyone...this is a long overdue quilt, one I am so pleased to get to this stage.  It has been done for a while, but I did not show it here...I am hand quilting this one.  It is a signature quilt.  I wanted something different, something kind of this is what I came up with.
The whole thing!  I am so grateful to get it to this stage!

If you don't hear from me for a while, don't worry...I am working a long stretch and also need to clean, clean, clean!!  You know how it is hard to concentrate on cleaning, when next week, it just needs to be done all over again...Quilts stay done, once they are done!!!

Have a great day, all!!!



~Joan said...

Is that a wedding quilt? Did you have the whole top made before it was signed? It is such a neat setting!

Amy said...

What a great quilt! It is really stunning.

Sue SA said...

I love this design, I love blocks on point, but that the signatures are straight so easy to read. The colour combination is very striking. Good luck with the cleaning...mine needs doing but the sewing machine is calling me!

Quilter Kathy said...

What a great design with these blocks!
Re: cleaning...I only clean when my feet stick to the floor! LOL! I wish I liked cleaning more, but I don't, so that's life!

Kimme said...

Great quilt Julie love the design and colours.

AnnieO said...

Fantastic design. I really like the way you framed these and set them on point. Jazzy!

Cleaning is like the ocean's tide, neverending.

Tilkkureppu said...

Tosi kaunis peitto! Ihanat värit ja nuo tekstit vallan mainiot! Sinulla on tosi kauniita töitä!

Leeanne said...

Is this a special gift for someone?

Nancy said...

The red strips make this quilt a star! Wow, it's beautiful

Want to come clean at my house for a week? I'm sure we can work out a nice swap - cleaning for fabric. ;oD

Diana said...

I like signature quilts and you've really made something special of this one. Like the zigzagborder.

Debi said...

Very pretty and I love the red fabric.

Judy Stayton said...

I love hand quilting,when I was a young girl I watched my mother do hand quilting and she taught me how to quilt,it stuck with me.I do a lot of baby quilts.I also have a quilt my Grandmother made it's one of over
thirty one quilts made and left behind. Judy

Unknown said...

I love all your quilts, they are beautiful. It's my first time posting a blog. I have posted items I have made and a hand made quilt that's over a hundred years old.

Vesuviusmama said...

Wonderful setting! I may borrow the idea for a siggie quilt I am dreaming up for a co-worker.

Linda said...

Very-very nice. I love signature quilts. May I keep a copy of this picture for someday?

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...