Saturday, January 21, 2012

winners! And more to give away...

Please congratulate Leeanne and Angie...they both win a bundle of wool! I found another one in the stash...

I am cleaning out, inspiring by Mrs. Goodneedle! I love my scraps, so they won't be going, but other stuff? I will be giving more away! Stay tuned!!

Have a great day,



Lori said...

Congrats to the ladies! Don't giveaway anything you might regret later. I've done that before:)

WoolenSails said...

Congratulations to Leanne and Angie!
Lori is right, someday you might want to make something with wool;)


Janet O. said...

Mrs. G. has made me think about cleaning out, too. But so far I am only at the thinking stage. : )

Jane said...

Congratulations to the winners! Giving away is a good thing, I just haven't been able to make myself do it with stash. Perhaps in time!

dawn said...


Good way to start a weekend!

KaHolly said...

Great! Every body likes to be a winner.

Merilyn said...

Congratulations ladies on your win! Have fun playing with your new loot!!!!

Elyte said...

What a lovely surprise for Leanne and Angie. Thanks for the opportunity Julie.

paulette said...

Congrats to the woolies!! Declutter..?? what a novel idea!!

Sharon said...

Yeah to the winners, I'm building a scrap bag of plaid homespuns right now, who knows where they will end up! I love all the quilts I see around blogland made from scraps so I might give it a whirl in a year or two :-)

Leeanne said...

Thank you Julie!

Deanna said...

Ah, giveaways are fun! Also, your Orca Bay quilt is wonderful! The colors and borders and all of it (except the paper part).

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...