Friday, January 27, 2012

Coonie alert!! In the chimney again!!

See those eyes glowing at you? Click on the picture, that is the inside of our chimney. OK, here is the story...

A few years back, we had a mother raccoon in our chimney... We rescued her, and she left one baby behind, which we raised to adulthood, then rehabbed the baby to the wild. This morning, Rosie the poodle alerted to our chimney and barked and barked. I thought there was no way this could happen again, because we had sealed off the chimney so it could not happen again.

Fast forward to today...the chimney cover was torn and pushed aside...and long story short, we are rescuing another coon from the chimney. I sure hope she or he is not hurt...we braid ropes together and last time the coon climbed right out. Funny that we live in a huge metroplex, yet have so many wildlife species right in our midst...bobcats, deer, coons, possums, and lots more. I will let you all know in the morning.....



Monica said...

I hope all goes well. We've had racoons in our attic the past two winters. Dirty, smelly little critters they are.

Lori said...

Poor thing. I hope it gets out and is not hurt.

Janet O. said...

Oh, those glowing eyes are so familiar! Raccoons have become so numerous and pesky in our area (an area to which they are not native) that if you catch one it is against the law to let it go again in the wild. You have to "dispose" of it yourself. We try to discourage them without catching them. : )

Little Penpen said...

adorable..i know it's a pain in the butt...but cute!

Pat said...

Oh, be careful....some raccoons carry rabies. They may look cute, but they can be dangerous.

Merilyn said...

Oh! poor thing! I can see its little eyes all the way down there! Hope the little furry one gets out safely!!!

Nicky said...

More exciting than my chimney finds - I had a succession of three young crows (or possibly one really stupid one!) in the fire grate in the morning. Anyway we got our chimney swept a few months back and it wasn't that dirty - think the crows may well have helped!

Leanne said...

Look at those sad little eyes. Hope he/ she climbs out.

Terry said...

Awe...poor, scared little thing! I had to rescue a bird from our woodburner once, but thankfully we've not had any raccoons! LOL

Diane H said...

Bless you, Julie. The animal world needs more people like you.

Karen said...

My husband found a dead small possum in our attic a few years ago. We have no idea how it got it. The smell alerted us that there was a problem. Never had a raccoon in the attic or chimney. But squirrels a couple times when we lived in a house with a regular fireplace chimney.

ladydi said...

Isn't it funny how everyone has a wild animal story? We had coons in our garage attic one year - they tore a hole right through the roof to get in. That was an expensive repair!

Jeanne said...

Good luck with the 'extraction'! We had one on a shelf above the steps leading down to the basement.

Vivian said...

We once had a bird that somehow flew into and "up the vent" towards the hood over the stove. Noisy, smelly, and I don't even remember how my husband got it out. Unwanted animals in the house--not fun.

Chris said...

We had a similar experience after buying our house. Turned out a mama and babies had taken up residence. We put a sonic beeper in the fireplace around dusk. Then we went outside and stood back to watch as Mama took the babies one by one out of the chimney and relocated them. We now have a rectractable cover that has worked well for over a decade. Good luck!

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, hope you are able to coax the raccon out....Hugs O'faigh

gale said...

Yikes-that would freak me out. Raccoons carry a type of worm that is deadly to humans. Be careful!

libbyquilter said...

just recently seen a show on pbs about how racoons are becoming quite the city dwellers and there is some indications that living generationally within cities could actually be effecting their evolution. one things for sure, they're pretty darn smart~!!~


Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...