Don't you just love Jo Morton? I do love her work...and above is my interpretation of one of her quilts...a work in progress, of course! I have prepared four blocks, cut out sashing and borders...just need to sew, sew, sew! I love that part...the prep? Not so much!
And the Orca Bay borders! Boy, they went really fast...under an hour to put them together. Now if the borders could teleport their way on to the quilt, that would be just peachy. This is the point that a quilt could become a UFO...I really don't enjoy putting all those long seams together. I will though, I will!
What are your sticking points?
Have a great day!
Hey, they may be long seams, but it's only four seams to a FINISH. You are soooo close!
Ohh this is a moment to celebrate I fall in love with those long pieced strips. I haven't made any in a long while but just seeing that brings back the thrilling filling. As for sticking points - gosh, that's a great question and generally it's borders. Darn borders.
My sticking point is layering a quilt to finish!! I love piecing the tops. Julie, I just wanted to tell you that you are such an inspiration to me. If I need an idea or just to get over a 'hump', all I have to do is pick any month in your archived posts and take a 'scroll' through them!! Thank you for that! ~karen
Your "interpretation" is great, Julie!
Wow, look at those borders all pieced and ready.
My sticking points can be borders or binding.
My sticking point is making the quilt sandwich and pinning the layers before I can machine quilt it. Your JM quilt is all of her quilts and fabric!
My sticking point is picking out the fabric when doing applique, the prep work can bog me down. Then the backing. That's why I have bolts of wide fabric in my sewing room. ;-) Love this border, it's going to be great!
You are giving life to my favourite Jo Morton design. Love it! Hard to believe that those borders came together so quickly. They look great.
Getting off the computer! LOL
Love your LoriS blocks!!
I DO love Jo Morton's things. My sticking point? Hmmm, I have so many quilt tops, I think it's the basting/pin basting where I end up stuck often. We won't even touch how long the quilt tops hang around sometimes before they are finished, but I've moved on partially hand quilted "quilt" 3 times. Oops!
My sticking point is that I often finish tops but then they sit waiting for a turn to be sent out for quilting. :( LOVE the border strips for your quilt!!!
My sticking point is that all my projects bog me down and I don't make headway on any of them. Also, if my sewing table is clean I sew. If it is cluttered I have a hard time settling down to anything. It's time to declutter.
Borders are definitely my challenge...boring and hard to get attached without waves. I better force myself to get my Orca borders on!
Hi Julie, the borders go on just perfectly, so don't let it become that next ufo!
My sticking point is cutting accurately long borders for big bedsize quilts, it means crawling on the tile floor to get things straight, urghhhh!!!
Love your applique blocks, and the pieced border for your big quilt, it's going to look pretty amazing!!!
There is something wonderful about a pieced border and yours are fabulous!
I love both projects...that border is just a wow factor!!
Beautiful applique! Love the red sashing...
Borders can be buggers but my theory is that if I pin from the far end to the near end, it goes under my needle faster :)
Cutting is sometimes my hang up--used be due to space problems mostly and having to cut on the dining table. But since I got a lighter weight folding table and the bed risers to help bring it up higher (I'm tall), it is a lot better!
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