Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I joined the "Just Take Two" quilt along! I have taken red and white and made these blocks...there are many more to come. I love this red! I took great pains to wash the fabric, twice, with color catchers, so I would not have bleeding's hoping for that!! I am really enjoying these blocks!

Here is the plaid quilt Jewel Box, just putting rows together...a sticking point for me, so I am taking it a step at a time. I love these plaids! Just truly love them so much!

In an old quilting magazine, I found the most fun Snail's trail I cut a block to see how the directions were...they were perfect! I can see a scrappy snail's trail in my future.

Aurofil threads is sponsoring a stitchery BOM...I did the first month. Now, I am famous for starting these and just doing the first I cut out all the background blocks in advance! Trying to trick myself...maybe it will work!

But mostly, I have been working on projects that are not really much fun to photograph.

* I cut out one billion tiny bow ties..., well, about 400 may be closer to the correct number

* I cut out a trillion 2.5 inch red strips for another quilt.. (maybe 100)

* I cut setting blocks for another quilt...about 50 of these.

I feel pretty good about all this progress!! But not so good in that I have the winter cold that is going around...I usually try to avoid this! Grrr!! So, I am making home made chicken soup for myself...yummy!

***********Nurse's notes*******************

Well, I went and got a needle stick...thank goodness it was a clean needle, but unfortunately it had insulin in it and I injected it into myself. A really big patient, and a swing of the arm at just the wrong time...sometimes no matter how careful a person is, things happen!! Just 3 units, but it did make me pretty hungry, LOL!! NO would have been quite different if it was a dirty needle!

I had a darling 95 year old lady patient...lives by herself, did her own laundry, and cooking and cleaning...and caring for her lawn!! I just am so very impressed with her, she is a true marvel!! NOW if that does not inspire us, nothing will!!


Another flat, same tire...I got new tires and hopefully that will take care of it once and for all!!

Have a great day, all!



Nancy said...

Great progress on your projects.

Relieved to hear that your needle stick was relatively harmless. Please, please be careful.

Pam in KC said...

I've printed off the patterns for JT2, but haven't convinced myself to start it yet. I'm seeing more of these blocks on blogs, so I may get convinced!

Have you considered working in short rows makeing just a quarter of the quilt at a time? I did my log cabin quilt that way and only had one long seam to sew. I'm doing that on my Ocean Wave quilt as well.

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, enjoyed seeing your current projects...I have a great admiration for the lady you mentioned..Hugs O'faigh

Merilyn said...

Sorry to hear about the needlstick, but at least as you say it was a clean needle!!
Love your red/white blocks, good that you did a double wash of the red, you should be quite safe now I think!!!
The plaid blocks are looking good!!!

Janet O. said...

I just bought another boatload of plaid shirts and I am loving that jewel box quilt in plaid. It has always been a pattern that catches my eye! Add that one to the list.
I also love Snail's Trail--wonder how that would look in plaid? : )
So much cutting --that really takes stamina!
Glad it was a clean needle.
I want to grow up to be that kind of 95-year-old!!

Lois Arnold said...

You have a great start on the red and white quilt. I love it. I've made several red and white quilts have a couple or 3 red and white quilt tops that just need to be quilted. Love the plaid jewel box, too. Snails trail is one I've always wanted to do. Maybe soon! Sorry about the needle mishap. How scary!

Terry said...

Everything looks great! I love your snail trail block. I have the pattern and fabric but I haven't had time to start on mine yet.

Quilter Kathy said...

As always, you have a lot of fun projects on the go. So far I have been able to resist starting "it takes two" but I love your red and white blocks.
And really love the plaid project!
So glad to hear your needle incident turned out OK...that was scary reading it for a minute.

Barb said...

Scarey about the needle...glad it just made you hungry.

I love all of the things you are doing!

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

what fun projects you have going...AND about the needle stick...scary! Glad it turned out ok.

regan said...

All your progress on your projects is very inspiring! Woohoo! And did you ask that 95 year old lady what kept her so young? I'm hoping she's a quilter...and we are all on our way to a very long life! :o)

And if the answer is that she smoked and drank whiskey all her life, then don't tell us! lol

Randy D. said...

I love your red/white blocks from the Take 2 sew-a-long. They are looking great. of course your other projects looks very impressive, as well. Very inspiring.

Leeanne said...

Such a joy to see what you are up to now, many yummy projects. You never fail to impress :-)

The Calico Cat said...

Love the jewel box!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love that snail's trail block...I think you should do a tutorial. =) All your work is coming along nicely.

Debi said...

Love all the blocks, especially the red/white ones. You have been very very busy. I have never tried a Snails Trail...hmmm

Lori said...

You are a sewing fool! (meant in a very nice way) Love your projects.
Your plaid border looks perfect. I hope it continues to go well.

Dang! On the needle stick!

Angie said...

Oh Julie, I hope the crud doesn't stay for an 'extended' visit with you, girl. :/ I am having a love affair with that third Jewel Box Plaids---HOW do you DO it ALL???? And the Snail's Trail has been on my list for a coon's age. Which mag did you follow the directions from? I bet I have it if you can point me in the right direction.

Dianne Mitzel said...

I love your lovely blog. I was going to ask about the mag also, I have a million of every kind, and I may have it, if you could share, that would be great..better still, do a tutorial you are a great the red and white also..thanks for the mom was 99 when she died, she was such in inspiration in her life and her love of crafting. We shared so much..I miss her everyday..

Helen in the UK said...

Lots of wonderful quilty progress. I LOVE red and can't wait to see what you do with your trillion red strips!! The red/white blocks and the snails trail look fun too, as does the jewel box. You have so much great stuff going on :)

Jill said...

It looks like you are keeping very busy. I am loving the Just Take 2 QAL I have been seeing on blogs. Your blocks are great!

Teresa in Music City said...

Oh I love your plaid Jewel Box! Can't wait to see it come together. May be inspired to start one of my own with all the shirts I've been deconstructing lately.

Very glad your needle mishap was a minor one - be careful!!!!!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...