Friday, January 27, 2012

The weekend is coming!

Hurrah for the Snail's Trail!! These blocks are really fun to make!! The pattern I am using is in the 2006 Quilt Almanac Magazine. The designer of the pattern is Elaine McGarry; do any of you know her? I have seen other patterns, but this one is the best I have found. I was not planning to make this quilt...but while I was just perusing my old magazines, culling out ones I would never use, I found this turned down page...I liked it then, and I like it now! There are 63 blocks altogether, and the blocks are nine inches finished.

Spring is coming, I have it on good authority! If you would like these lavender pretties that remind me of spring, please leave a comment about what your focus is for 2012, quilting wise, and I will draw a name on Sunday for these. Snuck that in on you, didn't I??

Why is this like pulling teeth? I am putting the rows together...and can always find something else to occupy myself...straighten a shelf, run change the laundry...anything but concentrate on putting these long rows together!! One brilliant lady said...why don't you do it in sections, instead of these long rows? I will!! Thank time, believe me, I will!!

Have a great day, everyone!!



Pam in KC said...

It's not too late to to the rest in sections. I really like how it's turning out.

Deb said...

I have the same problem with sewing long rows together.
I plan to start taking apart some plaid shirts. I want to make one of those quilts with plaid fabric. Yours are so nice.

Angie said...

Go for the section-piecing,girly!! :) I am in love with it---and that Snail's Trail is going to be exquisite for Spring. :D I adore purple---I'm focusing on actually MAKING a scrap quilt---I've started a Churn Dash, but I want to make some other block patterns and decide which to actually stick with long enough to at least make one large quilt. :/ Julie, I received my gift from you, and I'm thrilled. The wools are just so luscious---but sugar girl, that is one expensive 'give-away'. I am so touched by the gift, and I can't wait to plan what I'm going to use it in. Thank you more than I can say. Sending you tightest of hugs. :)

Sallie said...

My focus is making baby quilts for our church quilt ministry for orphans and the local pregnancy help center. Thanks for the giveaway! I love your quilts!

Leeanne said...

Your snails trail quilt will be a decent size when you are done.
Loving that plaidy number best!I hope your weekend is a great one, I'm hoping I don't waste mine with too much blogging and deciding on the first of my million things to do first!

Janet O. said...

You always do quilts I want to do! Snail's Trail is one of them, Jewel Box is another--and in plaids!! Love it!
I read about assembling in sections somewhere last year. I highly recommend it.

Anonymous said...

My focus in 2012 is to finish my GFG quilt! I am down to the last corner and should be done in a few months!

Your lovely lavenders would look great in my Orca Bay! Here's hoping! Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

Ali Honey said...

Your jewel box quilt is going to be fabulous so perservere with it's long rows. I love that pattern ( and have never made it yet ).

Wendz said...

I'm just totally in awe of your fab quilts-in-the-making! The jewel box quilt specifically is absolutely beautiful. I'll have to make one.

Anonymous said...

I am finishing a quilt for my 3 yr old grandson. Then I am going to finish some UFOs if it kills me :)

Carol said...

Love the plaids. You must have an endless supply of them. For 2012 I hope to get most of the UFO's completed or disposed of in some way. Trite, I know, but is reality.

Lori said...

The snails Trails blocks are so cute!!
I always put my qults toegther in sections instead of long rows. It makes it easier for me to match up my seams/blocks.
I very rarely use lavender so I'll pass on trhe pretty fabs.

Anonymous said...

Today I finished a Judy Niemeyer kit that had been hiding away for too long. I know there are more projects in the closet and I intend to get them finished as well.

Theresa W

Anonymous said...

I agree that sewing it in sections would be easier. My goals for 2012 quilt wise is to make a few larger quilts to giftto family that has not received one from me yet. I managed to get larger quilts to four family members last year...the others are envious. LOL

Barb said...

Your snails tails are just wonderful!! There are a lot of projects that I put off....but yours is going to be fabulous!

Jess said...

I like doing my quilts in sections. I think it is easier than the long rows. I love the scrappy look of it though. Alo my quilting goals for 2012 is to complete more charity quilts and make some quilts for my family.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

My focus for quilting in 2012 is to make some quilts for DH & me. I've quilted for almost 30 years, and I don't own a single quilt that I made myself. Time to put an end to that! ;-)

Anonymous said...

What oh what is your secret to getting your quilts done? I'm always amazed when I stop by and see another new quilt in progress. I really like the Snails Trail.

And yes, spring is coming!!! The cherry trees around town are in full bloom this week. Hurrah for Spring!!!

My focus for 2012...get the WIPs done once and for all. Then on to more, hehehe.

blessings, jilly

ThreadCatcher said...

I am loving your Snail's Trail blocks. I can't wait to see the quilt in all its glory.

My quilting focus this year is to get better at piecing and try my hand at hand quilting.

Thanks for the chance at some lovely, lavendar fabrics.

Teri said...

I have the same problem with rows, so now I assemble everything in large 4 patches and then join those. My focus for 2012 is to finish some of my golden oldie UFO's. I have over 50 looming over me. Thanks for the offering

AnnieO said...


Long rows can be really boring--but I like the idea of sections. They could be picked up in "four patches" or "9 patches", right? Good thoughts to store away for later...

My focus this year is FOCUS. I swear I was never this distractable before starting quilting! Finishing a project before moving on to the next is my goal for the year. It will speed up my production and soothe my brain!

Helen in the UK said...

The weekend has just started here - woo hoo!! Love those snail trails and would love to be included in the draw for the pretties :)

kt said...

Love your plaid jewel box! My focus for 2012 is to finish up the quilt for my son (my first bed-sized quilt!), and learn how to machine quilt, while continuing to work on my WIPs. Thanks for sharing!

luv2quilt2 said...

I like doing the long rows, because so much gets done in one seam. I have 2 more seams to complete my current project. Good luck! It looks great.

Terry said...

Nice giveaway! Thanks for the chance! I'm focusing on using up what I have this year. I started last year and it feels so good to use up what's in my stash. So no fabric buying for me unless I need something to finish off a project.

Gill said...

I love the jewel box!
I've never thought of putting blocks together in sections instead of rows - I shall be interested to see how you get on!
I'm finishing UFO's because I really want to start my Swoon quilt!!

Potpourri said...

I love the snail's Trail Block, I should do some...
I love the purple squares they remind me of violets nestled in the mosses.
Bring on Spring!!!

Glenda in Florida said...

Those are lovely FQs. Hmmm, I have lots of things to focus on this year. One is to sew from stash as much as possible. Next is to make some large quilts for family members, and the last one is to make at least 12 baby or childrens quilts for charity. I figure I can take care of the first while alternating the second and third goals.

Vicky said...

Your projects are wonderful. Love the snail's trails. Those are such fun to make!

InStitches said...

Been reading your blog for quite some time and love that plaid header quilt of yours ~ it is gorgeous, but then all your quilts are beautiful! My focus this year is to finish one project before beginning two more (yeah, right). Those lavenders would be lovely in one of two new expected grandbaby quilts in the planning ~ thanks for the chance.

Deanna said...

My Jewel Box is on the floor, too. Is it a race to the finish? I might have to call on you for border help on this one.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...