Thursday, April 13, 2023

Growing things!!!! and quilts too

Good morning!!  Oh how the sun and the spring beckons us outside!!!  It is so pretty.  Back in February, I think, I started these tomato plants from seeds purchased at the nursery.  Every single seed came up!!!  I used an old plastic egg carton for my planting soil, and rapidly, rapidly, they grew up!!  I mowed the lawn day before yesterday and put down fertilizer.  

I have transplanted them outside now, only losing one plant, from an tragic accident involving a trowel and a careless moment!!!  I now have bell peppers and jalapeño peppers growing in that same egg carton.  Soon they will be ready to transplant outside too.  And the big news!!!  I am making a real garden spot in the backyard!!!  Hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so excited for this!  As a farm girl, I really miss the growing things, and the animals.

This quilt seems the same, but it is  not.  I added the plain white border on the outside, and cut out 24 blocks to go around the outside of quilt, for the next border.  This quilt is growing!!!

I have a zillion of these blocks cut out, and while cleaning and going through things...this one came up.  In the middle of the night, I sewing these four blocks, and just loved the process of it.  All plaids!! from  shirts!!

 Here are some of my seedlings in a large planter box.  They are just taking off like crazy.  I also have squash in there...maybe I will have squash to sauté and also make squash casserole.  Yum!!!

**************************Nurse's notes************************
Hospice is going well.  I also float to oncology, open heart, and ICU.  I can have anywhere from one patient to six patients in a just have to keep flexible and go for it, whatever it happens to be day to day.  I love my hearts the best, and also love a new way of caring for hearts in hospice.  


I am continuing my study and reading about this fascinating era.  I read every night before I go to bed, and it is great fun!!  I am learning a lot.  Ration cards!  Do you know about this?  In order to save almost everything for the war effort, many things were rationed for people here in the USA.  You had to  have a coupon, so to speak, and redeem it for things you needed.  I found some of these ration coupons in my MIL's things.  The national spirit and coming together for the common good and war effort is inspiring...wish we could all come together these days, too, don't you!!!

I wish each of you a blessed and wonderful day!!



Julierose said...

Loving that new border--so pretty!!
How wonderful to be having your own garden plot this year!! Exciting!! I miss my gardening, but my back just won't allow me to do that much. I content myself with some containers...I really want to get some geraniums (hanging type) for my front porch hanger...this sunshine is so wonderful--very healing!!
Hugs--have fun-- Julierose

Tired Teacher 2 said...

When my sisters and I cleaned out our Mom’s house, we found some ration stamps/coupons. It must have been a difficult time for my parents, but thankfully, they lived on a farm and had a large garden. My Mom canned quarts and quarts of vegetables and juices. Potatoes and squash was stored in the cellar. Through resourcefulness and hard work they raised six children.

Janet O. said...

My goodness, what lovely plant starts. We woke up to snow again this morning--and still snowing!
That star is a lovely quilt.
Loving those plaid blocks. That is a block I have always planned on making, and just haven't gotten around to it yet. It looks so good in those plaid shirts!
I am glad work is going well for you.
My Mom wrote about ration cards in her history. It would be wonderful if we could come together as a nation now. I pray for it regularly!

Robin said...

So glad you're able to get some plants started and put into a garden space. My husband planted tomato plants outside and they are covered right now because the weather has turned cold. I'm praying that they make it through this cold snap. Those four blocks look great, I bet they were fun to make. I love things that go together smoothly and fairly quick.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

My grandmother educated me on ration points: she gave me some "tokens" red (for meat) and blue (for milk, eggs, butter) that she had saved in her button box after the war was over. Your quilts are growing up beautifully and your plants look hardy and healthy; you can do anything and everything!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

They also had scrap metal drives and you couldn't find hose because the silk was used for parachutes.

Kay Harmon said...

I was stationed in Germany in the Air Force in the early 80s. We had ration coupons for some items. It was kind of a surreal feeling to be restricted but made me realize how difficult it was during the 40s.

Nancy said...

Your star quilt is delightful! It's so bright and "shiny."
I really like your plaid blocks. Do you already have in mind how you will finish this quilt?
Good for you to get a garden in your back yard! Your seedlings look great.

Lori said...

How sweet to see your veggies growing! I'm excited that we finally have good resources here for fresh organic vegetables. I loved growing my own, but it is a lot of work and not one I particularly love.
I am sure each patient feels so cared for by you!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...